Callsign: | OJ9406 |
MMSI number: | 230941050 |
IMO number: | 7392309 |
Navigational status: | Under way (engine) (0) |
Vessel class: | Fishing (30) |
Destination: | UUSIKAUPUNKI |
Location: | 60°47.63' N 21°22.72' E - locator KP00QT50KM - show map 1.8 km Southwest bearing 245° from Uusikaupunki, Varsinais-Suomi, Province of Western Finland, Finland [?] 17.8 km South bearing 193° from Pyhäranta, Varsinais-Suomi, Province of Western Finland, Finland 61.6 km Northwest bearing 308° from Turku, Varsinais-Suomi, Province of Western Finland, Finland 79.6 km South bearing 196° from Pori, Satakunta, Province of Western Finland, Finland |
Last position: | 2024-10-08 01:24:14 UTC (11h3m ago) 2024-10-08 04:24:14 EEST local time at Uusikaupunki, Finland [?] |
Course: | 46° – heading 52° |
Speed: | 12 km/h |
Dimensions: | length 40 m width 8 m draught 4.4 m |
Last path: | OJ9406>ais via oh1fol |
Positions stored: | 39483 |