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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       Completed generating statistics (took 0.031 s).
Stations near current position of BMCB-21
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
ON4KNN-D4.5 km 283°2025-03-08 23:06:15 P-ON4KNN4.5 km 283°2025-03-08 19:01:11
ON3ZIN5.9 km 312°2025-02-23 16:05:10 BMCB-97.2 km 121°2025-03-08 23:10:24
BMCB-277.7 km 183°2025-03-08 23:00:23 ON3RLD-DP7.8 km 74°2025-03-08 23:13:56
ON3SQ-D8.5 km 320°2025-03-08 23:14:15 BMCB-88.5 km 120°2025-03-08 23:00:47
ON6VST10.6 km 22°2025-02-25 17:49:00 ON0GBX11.0 km 4°2025-03-03 16:48:30
ON4DL-D11.2 km 85°2025-03-08 23:01:03 ON7HH-DP12.7 km 15°2025-03-08 23:13:56
ON0HSB-DP12.8 km 19°2025-03-08 23:13:56 BMCB-3813.3 km 93°2025-03-08 23:10:21
P-ON0NR14.0 km 116°2025-03-08 23:02:28 ON0NR-1014.0 km 116°2025-03-08 23:09:00
EL-ON0NR14.0 km 116°2025-03-08 23:12:36 ON3CPE-N14.6 km 85°2025-03-08 23:07:06
ON4LS-Y15.2 km 82°2025-02-24 05:53:34 ON4LS-1015.3 km 81°2025-02-24 06:52:54
EL-ON4LS15.3 km 81°2025-03-08 23:19:47 ON4LS-N15.3 km 81°2025-03-08 23:09:35
ON4LS-D15.3 km 81°2025-03-08 23:15:30 P-ON4LS15.3 km 81°2025-03-08 23:00:29
ON3VWA-N15.5 km 256°2025-03-06 18:54:46 ON5EA-1015.5 km 94°2025-03-06 14:11:27
ON5EA-Y15.5 km 94°2025-03-06 14:21:36 EL-ON4LDN16.0 km 225°2025-02-27 08:01:41
P-ON3XML16.0 km 253°2025-03-08 23:00:48 ON3CAB-D16.6 km 251°2025-02-08 19:18:30
ON7LE-D17.3 km 67°2025-03-08 23:10:33 ON3WY-D17.7 km 253°2025-02-15 22:35:00
ON3WY-N17.7 km 253°2025-02-15 22:44:00 BMCB-218.1 km 184°2025-03-08 23:10:47
ON7KER-1018.7 km 243°2025-03-08 22:00:42 EL-ON3LUD18.7 km 246°2025-02-13 10:34:28
ON5YW-1518.8 km 66°2025-03-08 23:13:01 GM5519.2 km 134°2025-03-04 18:40:30
FW989220.1 km 8°2025-03-08 23:15:49 ON3VEG20.2 km 311°2025-03-07 15:01:15
ON4BCY-1020.9 km 333°2025-02-08 20:37:03 ON8GE-1321.1 km 271°2025-03-08 23:10:37
BMCB-1921.7 km 219°2025-03-08 23:10:20 BMCB-2622.8 km 79°2025-03-08 23:10:45
BMCB-3923.1 km 36°2025-03-08 23:10:07 ON4BJP-1023.2 km 86°2025-03-08 11:15:37
ON4BJP-Y23.2 km 86°2025-03-08 11:23:20 ON7EMS-N24.2 km 26°2025-03-04 22:15:14
ON7EMS-D24.2 km 26°2025-03-04 22:15:04 BMCB-3324.3 km 65°2025-03-08 23:00:03
BMCB-124.3 km 190°2025-03-08 23:10:25 ON0CTV-1524.4 km 242°2025-03-08 23:06:37
ON0CTV24.4 km 242°2025-03-08 23:10:01 GW523924.6 km 258°2025-03-08 23:15:36
EW966525.4 km 330°2025-03-08 23:15:23 EL-ON4YI25.5 km 232°2025-03-08 18:46:14
ON4YI C25.6 km 232°2025-02-11 13:07:49 ON4YI-C25.6 km 232°2025-02-11 13:07:59
ON4YI-D25.6 km 232°2025-03-08 23:03:51 ON4YI-Y25.6 km 232°2025-03-08 23:04:21
ON4YI-1525.6 km 232°2025-03-07 08:03:34 ON4YI-125.6 km 232°2025-03-06 06:49:14
P-ON4YOU25.6 km 257°2025-03-08 23:03:18 P-ON4YI25.6 km 232°2025-03-08 23:00:16
ON4LBO25.7 km 341°2025-03-08 10:40:16 ON4LBO-725.7 km 341°2025-03-01 10:20:32
ER-ON0CRD25.8 km 123°2025-03-08 23:19:55 BMCB-1726.2 km 240°2025-03-08 23:10:08
ON0BTS26.3 km 351°2025-03-03 16:48:29 FW666326.6 km 273°2025-03-08 23:15:22
ON3ETH-727.4 km 120°2025-02-15 17:11:30 ON/ON-03027.5 km 254°2025-03-07 03:15:00
ON7CFI27.5 km 22°2025-03-08 23:15:04 ON6YH-1027.9 km 86°2025-03-08 23:10:59
EL-ON4PS28.8 km 31°2025-03-08 23:16:13 P-ON6RF29.1 km 339°2025-03-04 21:01:29
P-ON6RF129.4 km 339°2025-03-08 01:01:06 ON6MB29.5 km 84°2025-03-08 17:14:05
ON4ZS-730.2 km 83°2025-03-08 16:44:31 BMCB-1830.3 km 74°2025-03-08 23:10:26
ON7GE30.4 km 273°2025-03-08 10:28:02 ON4BZ-131.2 km 263°2025-03-01 21:39:39
DW916931.4 km 246°2025-03-08 23:14:10 P-ON8MJ31.7 km 25°2025-03-08 23:02:39
ON8MJ-N31.7 km 25°2025-03-08 23:16:11 ON8MJ-1531.7 km 25°2025-03-02 15:59:58
ON6DE-331.7 km 270°2025-03-08 23:10:35 ON6DE-231.7 km 270°2025-02-25 13:36:45
ON6DE-131.8 km 270°2025-03-07 09:25:42 EL-ON4MS32.1 km 27°2025-03-08 09:11:31
ON7JV32.9 km 325°2025-02-16 20:59:00 ON7JV-1032.9 km 325°2025-02-16 20:58:03
ON6ZQ-1533.3 km 324°2025-03-08 23:03:41 BMCB-3033.5 km 173°2025-03-08 23:10:26
ON3XML33.8 km 325°2025-03-07 22:27:23 ON4JPS34.5 km 28°2025-03-02 08:44:33
ON4JPS-1034.5 km 28°2025-03-08 23:07:15 ON4JPS-DP34.5 km 28°2025-03-04 13:28:10
ON3BMW34.6 km 270°2025-03-07 00:18:40 P-ON0CVH34.6 km 324°2025-03-08 01:02:49
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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