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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       Completed generating statistics (took 0.065 s).
Stations near current position of EW8418
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
GW26611.3 km 143°2025-03-08 16:59:35 K6SDR-101.7 km 160°2025-03-08 16:20:43
GW18742.4 km 269°2025-03-08 16:56:08 N6HLZ-93.0 km 335°2025-03-03 21:55:58
FW02473.1 km 179°2025-03-08 17:00:16 K6DRK-133.7 km 174°2025-02-23 21:57:24
K6DRK-D3.7 km 174°2025-02-22 09:22:59 AA6PP4.8 km 181°2025-02-21 05:53:29
KN6KJS4.9 km 7°2025-03-08 16:46:37 GW03195.1 km 252°2025-03-08 16:58:16
K1HLG B5.5 km 150°2025-03-08 16:54:09 K1HLG-B5.5 km 150°2025-03-08 16:54:19
NZ6J-137.2 km 201°2025-03-03 07:55:49 W6/CC-0638.4 km 211°2025-03-08 03:01:25
KO6GFR8.4 km 211°2025-02-22 22:30:16 DW70948.4 km 180°2025-03-08 16:45:29
K6MLF-78.8 km 177°2025-02-25 22:55:00 GW29699.1 km 173°2025-03-08 17:00:28
N6DVS-99.5 km 166°2025-02-22 19:02:14 MARS-49.6 km 164°2025-02-23 21:48:50
AA6PP-79.6 km 164°2025-02-22 18:49:54 KN6ZDM-79.6 km 164°2025-02-22 18:50:49
N6HLZ9.6 km 164°2025-03-02 21:31:10 SAN FRANCISCO9.7 km 134°2025-02-28 04:24:07
K6MLF-59.9 km 172°2025-02-22 23:06:03 DW31539.9 km 165°2025-03-08 16:55:07
K6SQY-79.9 km 113°2025-03-06 03:24:50 36818046010.0 km 100°2025-02-27 16:36:17
CAPE ANN10.4 km 94°2025-02-27 12:25:25 MARIN10.6 km 134°2025-02-28 02:35:17
GOLDEN GATE10.7 km 134°2025-02-28 04:16:20 INTINTOLI10.7 km 110°2025-02-26 19:51:28
CLEAROCEAN MARAUDER10.7 km 92°2025-02-15 12:15:29 KN6PNA-110.8 km 358°2025-03-04 23:04:19
KB6HOH-1110.8 km 177°2025-03-08 16:25:33 KB6HOH-1510.8 km 177°2025-03-08 16:25:38
LYRA10.9 km 99°2025-02-28 04:35:27 NAPA10.9 km 133°2025-02-15 04:20:33
EW828411.0 km 190°2025-03-08 16:45:46 FISHING CREEK11.1 km 118°2025-02-27 23:15:19
K6GWE-511.1 km 218°2025-03-08 16:36:21 NZ6J-311.2 km 178°2025-03-07 06:32:32
KM6BON-711.2 km 204°2025-03-08 16:59:02 VELA11.2 km 86°2025-02-28 04:13:02
Vts. PT. SAN PABLO11.3 km 105°2025-02-27 12:41:40 AI6EE-1111.5 km 347°2025-03-08 16:45:21
AI6EE-711.5 km 347°2025-03-06 08:42:05 KB0O8-112.3 km 167°2025-03-06 21:16:09
36776686012.5 km 121°2025-02-28 01:15:49 PETER M12.6 km 121°2025-02-28 01:27:20
AMNAV LIBERTY12.6 km 121°2025-02-14 13:47:54 MARS-813.0 km 163°2025-03-08 16:57:43
MARS-913.1 km 163°2025-03-06 10:26:52 AI6EE-1013.3 km 3°2025-03-08 16:14:40
KB6HOH-1013.3 km 3°2025-03-08 16:25:30 KB6HOH-1313.3 km 3°2025-03-08 16:25:35
KB6HOH-1413.3 km 3°2025-03-08 16:25:37 DELTA CATHRYN13.3 km 135°2025-02-27 11:45:49
K6GWE-713.7 km 181°2025-03-08 16:32:07 SOLANA13.9 km 136°2025-02-28 01:24:22
OVERSEAS NIKISKI13.9 km 121°2025-02-27 20:55:18 WB6TTB13.9 km 145°2025-03-08 17:00:03
kN6PNA-i14.0 km 2°2025-03-06 05:14:37 KN6PNA-714.0 km 2°2025-02-28 01:28:26
GW296314.1 km 343°2025-03-08 16:58:49 N6DVS14.2 km 322°2025-02-09 21:00:57
W6/NC-35414.2 km 322°2025-02-09 18:39:47 NORD MINAMI14.3 km 122°2025-02-16 08:01:34
FW218514.6 km 284°2025-03-08 16:51:08 33869100014.6 km 161°2025-02-08 16:43:11
RACCOON14.6 km 161°2025-02-28 02:54:14 STI BATTERY14.6 km 130°2025-02-28 05:51:20
JOHN AB DILLARD14.6 km 161°2025-02-27 18:46:28 MYSTIC 14.7 km 160°2025-02-09 18:58:47
KIMBERLY MARIE14.7 km 160°2025-02-16 07:46:06 SOLITON14.8 km 124°2025-02-27 22:27:56
SAGITTARIAN15.0 km 129°2025-02-27 23:20:30 PYXIS15.0 km 134°2025-02-28 01:33:56
EW043315.0 km 337°2025-03-08 16:53:32 36742202015.1 km 125°2025-02-15 18:55:51
RACHAEL ALLEN15.2 km 132°2025-02-28 05:55:04 MARS-215.3 km 286°2025-03-08 16:58:18
METANOIA15.3 km 157°2025-02-28 02:53:42 N6DVS-1015.4 km 343°2025-02-08 20:17:20
FW699215.5 km 159°2025-03-08 16:55:39 NOW OR NEVER15.5 km 158°2025-02-28 03:53:55
TERRI L.BRUSCO15.5 km 125°2025-02-28 05:48:17 NADELOS15.6 km 148°2025-02-16 00:27:58
33814243715.6 km 148°2025-02-27 20:21:55 LIVIN THE DREAM15.7 km 158°2025-02-12 12:46:13
W6/NC-40715.9 km 164°2025-03-08 00:34:58 K6ER-916.0 km 164°2025-03-08 16:34:43
WATER DOG16.0 km 155°2025-02-09 00:11:14 PAPILLON16.1 km 152°2025-02-15 23:51:47
33831339316.1 km 150°2025-02-15 22:52:50 GOLDEN HORN16.2 km 147°2025-02-15 22:47:14
33836055616.2 km 148°2025-02-15 21:34:15 T0WBOATUS_ALAMEDA16.2 km 130°2025-02-27 16:33:55
36838238016.3 km 149°2025-02-27 19:59:50 DW721316.3 km 127°2025-03-07 18:29:17
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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