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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of JH9VYA-9
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
JR9IOH-7652.3 m 328°2025-03-09 07:05:28 KR9IOH-7690.3 m 336°2025-02-16 21:01:16
JF9MHG-7824.2 m 234°2025-03-07 10:01:13 JH9PVV1.2 km 166°2025-03-07 02:14:17
JA9BPH-91.2 km 188°2025-02-15 08:35:02 JA9QWG-92.1 km 304°2025-03-13 06:46:55
JE9OYL-73.1 km 41°2025-02-23 02:21:15 JE9OYL-93.1 km 40°2025-03-12 05:22:49
JE9OYL-103.1 km 40°2025-03-13 23:32:10 JF9PXD-93.2 km 216°2025-02-25 14:26:30
JF9PXD-73.2 km 217°2025-02-22 13:58:08 JF9PXD3.2 km 217°2025-02-22 15:20:06
JA9ZNJ-103.4 km 233°2025-03-13 23:23:47 JP9YEH-I3.4 km 234°2025-03-13 23:34:29
JH9OCB-143.6 km 306°2025-03-13 22:25:57 JA9HYM4.0 km 235°2025-03-02 05:22:36
JA9FCS-94.1 km 336°2025-02-15 07:30:23 JR9UKF-94.5 km 168°2025-03-02 04:32:50
JH9ZAR-D4.7 km 217°2025-02-27 14:24:52 JA9GYE M5.1 km 161°2025-03-13 21:38:52
JA9GYE-M5.1 km 161°2025-03-13 21:39:02 JE9TVX-76.1 km 159°2025-02-22 07:12:13
JE9MFZ-76.4 km 37°2025-02-24 01:53:28 JF9PPI-96.4 km 279°2025-02-23 10:10:43
JF9NZT-76.9 km 218°2025-03-13 22:49:50 JA9GYE8.8 km 243°2025-03-13 21:39:12
JA/IK-0299.6 km 127°2025-03-07 05:22:15 JA9CZJ-1211.2 km 34°2025-02-13 06:18:01
JA/TY-05411.4 km 71°2025-03-07 05:57:34 JH9YXE-1015.5 km 12°2025-03-13 23:28:09
JR9EEE-916.7 km 14°2025-03-12 02:08:06 JP9YDX-I21.0 km 67°2025-03-13 23:26:50
JP9YEI-I22.2 km 99°2025-03-13 23:20:10 JA9CJP-922.6 km 89°2025-03-12 08:28:05
JH9XXF-923.4 km 53°2025-03-08 07:58:08 JA9BPH23.4 km 53°2025-02-28 05:14:32
JA9MIZ-1324.1 km 93°2025-03-13 23:34:12 JA9YLG-125.0 km 31°2025-03-13 23:29:54
54116543425.6 km 31°2025-03-09 21:24:35 00431090625.7 km 31°2025-03-13 23:38:02
JF9PWH-927.4 km 229°2025-03-09 06:46:50 JH9XXF-D27.8 km 76°2025-03-02 06:56:20
JO3FTZ28.0 km 78°2025-03-07 01:35:45 JR9WUC-729.7 km 208°2025-02-23 05:25:39
JR9WUC-929.9 km 205°2025-03-10 10:40:46 GW038030.8 km 68°2025-03-13 23:30:20
JP9YEQ-I33.4 km 219°2025-03-13 23:25:46 JA9ZQK-1033.4 km 219°2025-03-13 23:10:27
JF2VBS-733.6 km 222°2025-03-04 03:35:33 JP9YEG-I34.0 km 62°2025-03-10 06:01:27
JA/IK-01637.2 km 203°2025-02-23 05:27:12 JH9PVV-938.8 km 63°2025-03-13 10:12:41
JA/TY-05539.0 km 54°2025-03-06 04:56:48 JA9VEZ-140.6 km 46°2025-03-13 22:55:59
JF9OBD-942.6 km 64°2025-03-13 05:31:40 JH9FUU-944.4 km 217°2025-03-13 22:59:05
JR9LQE-1044.7 km 228°2025-03-13 23:16:17 GT DEMETER45.8 km 62°2025-03-11 22:15:58
JH9MWK-946.6 km 65°2025-03-08 02:56:56 JF9NIN-946.9 km 72°2025-03-13 04:20:15
JA9SOK-947.4 km 26°2025-03-13 23:37:56 JA9UZF47.5 km 24°2025-03-13 11:55:10
JA9UZF-747.5 km 24°2025-03-08 19:33:31 JA9UZF-547.5 km 24°2025-03-09 07:38:47
JA9UZF-1047.5 km 24°2025-03-13 23:13:22 232207q4448.5 km 324°2025-02-24 23:51:38
JA9GIL-1349.0 km 80°2025-03-13 23:33:58 JP9YEP-I49.6 km 28°2025-03-13 23:30:06
JE9BHE-649.6 km 88°2025-03-13 08:12:09 JE9BHE-1349.7 km 87°2025-03-13 23:36:06
JA9HZY49.7 km 28°2025-02-20 01:41:58 JA9HZY-1249.8 km 28°2025-03-13 23:34:20
JA9HZY-950.2 km 28°2025-03-13 23:37:35 JA9JEE-950.5 km 80°2025-02-27 09:45:48
JA/IK-01850.6 km 33°2025-03-01 07:31:09 JF9SOT-750.8 km 74°2025-02-14 05:25:23
JA/IK-01551.8 km 215°2025-03-04 06:25:08 JR9LQE-952.0 km 221°2025-03-13 23:37:53
JA9HKA-953.2 km 75°2025-03-13 08:50:38 JA9HKA-1053.2 km 75°2025-02-24 10:42:34
JH9YMR-1053.2 km 75°2025-03-13 23:34:33 JA9HKA-753.3 km 75°2025-03-13 08:07:39
JG3BVK-554.7 km 71°2025-03-13 23:32:59 JP9YEO-I54.9 km 74°2025-03-13 23:32:42
KOSYU MARU NO.855.4 km 66°2025-03-11 09:39:25 NAIKAI MARU NO,155.6 km 66°2025-03-08 04:48:30
CHUANG XIN 655.8 km 60°2025-03-13 12:55:37 JA9HKA-155.9 km 76°2025-03-13 23:35:50
WAKASHIOMARU56.2 km 53°2025-03-12 02:00:40 CEDROS56.3 km 66°2025-03-13 18:52:05
HASSHO MARU NO.157.1 km 65°2025-03-13 04:42:41 HANEIMARU58.9 km 50°2025-03-12 01:43:19
JA9EPZ59.3 km 86°2025-03-02 03:40:55 STEPAN GEYTS59.8 km 61°2025-03-03 21:16:56
JH9PVV-760.2 km 71°2025-03-07 08:16:08 JI1GFG60.5 km 73°2025-03-09 10:46:14
OCEAN QUEEN SV65.1 km 54°2025-03-13 14:54:05 JP9YEM-I66.2 km 78°2025-03-13 23:35:28
JF9SPT67.0 km 83°2025-02-22 02:41:34 JP2YIE-I68.2 km 122°2025-03-13 23:21:39
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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