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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       Completed generating statistics (took 0.031 s).
Stations near current position of KB8DOT-B
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
KB8DOT B0.0 m 0°2025-03-08 23:18:55 KB8DOT-N4.7 km 105°2025-03-08 23:13:10
W8CTC-117.4 km 254°2025-02-11 01:40:09 K8HM-N12.5 km 239°2025-03-08 23:03:08
KD8TSA-N12.9 km 348°2025-03-04 19:24:44 KD8TSA12.9 km 348°2025-03-08 23:15:56
N8CUB-414.8 km 297°2025-03-08 22:32:14 N8CUB14.9 km 297°2025-02-26 22:54:46
NS8G B15.2 km 248°2025-03-01 17:26:45 NS8G-B15.2 km 248°2025-03-01 17:26:55
NS8G-N15.2 km 248°2025-03-01 17:24:15 N8BAP-116.6 km 327°2025-03-08 23:17:23
N8BAP16.6 km 327°2025-03-08 23:16:02 N8BAP-i16.6 km 327°2025-02-27 00:15:56
KD8DNS17.0 km 40°2025-03-08 23:16:37 N4RGW-1518.2 km 335°2025-02-11 15:18:26
KD8DNS-119.5 km 38°2025-03-08 23:15:55 EW641820.1 km 36°2025-03-08 23:15:24
W8SKJ-1021.3 km 89°2025-03-07 20:48:17 EW653422.5 km 353°2025-03-08 23:16:03
W8BAP/R224.3 km 81°2025-03-08 23:19:08 FW846324.8 km 330°2025-03-08 23:15:31
WD8LSN-928.5 km 175°2025-03-04 21:35:08 WD8LSN32.8 km 170°2025-03-08 23:15:47
WD8LSN-432.8 km 170°2025-03-08 23:02:00 WD8LSN-Y32.8 km 170°2025-03-08 23:15:01
N8TAG-933.0 km 154°2025-03-08 19:59:46 N8DWB-733.2 km 8°2025-03-06 23:21:06
KE8NRY-734.1 km 222°2025-03-03 08:15:09 N8CUB-934.8 km 319°2025-03-08 23:17:45
KE8PYG-935.0 km 316°2025-02-25 22:47:48 KF8CNN35.1 km 105°2025-03-08 23:10:18
EW053436.7 km 267°2025-03-08 23:15:35 EW843639.0 km 315°2025-03-08 23:15:26
WA6WTF39.4 km 87°2025-03-07 19:56:29 DW696340.4 km 306°2025-03-08 23:15:04
DW765840.7 km 230°2025-03-08 23:16:00 KI5VNB-941.0 km 331°2025-02-25 08:17:10
N1DJS-D41.5 km 238°2025-03-08 23:05:01 N1DJS-Y41.7 km 237°2025-03-08 23:05:52
N1DJS-441.7 km 237°2025-02-12 06:50:54 N1DJS-1041.7 km 237°2025-03-08 22:50:58
n1djs41.7 km 237°2025-03-08 23:15:30 W8TZ-1041.9 km 60°2025-02-14 11:56:10
ILNFLS30A42.3 km 121°2025-02-16 20:02:26 W8DLS-N42.9 km 240°2025-03-08 23:13:36
EW505343.2 km 240°2025-03-08 23:15:05 W8LSR-944.4 km 239°2025-02-09 18:28:05
KF8BLP44.5 km 45°2025-03-05 01:32:16 KF8BLP44.5 km 45°2025-03-08 13:59:07
KF8BLP44.5 km 45°2025-02-26 05:09:04 KF8BLP-i44.5 km 45°2025-02-26 05:07:53
W8LSR-N44.7 km 238°2025-03-08 23:04:55 EW927644.7 km 74°2025-03-08 23:08:50
dierauer45.8 km 339°2025-03-08 23:15:11 KB8OTK-846.6 km 91°2025-02-24 20:18:11
N8WQ-146.7 km 104°2025-02-17 12:02:39 N8WQ46.7 km 104°2025-03-07 16:16:03
W8BAP-146.7 km 90°2025-03-08 20:32:08 KF8BLP B46.9 km 45°2025-03-04 14:56:23
KF8BLP-B46.9 km 45°2025-03-04 14:56:33 KF8BLP-N46.9 km 45°2025-03-04 15:02:52
CW609448.3 km 295°2025-03-08 23:15:04 W8BAP/R148.5 km 87°2025-03-08 23:18:09
KD8IOU-R48.6 km 239°2025-03-08 23:13:00 KD8IOU B48.6 km 239°2025-03-08 23:11:30
KD8IOU-B48.6 km 239°2025-03-08 23:11:40 N0OBD-N48.6 km 239°2025-03-08 23:05:45
DW962050.3 km 272°2025-03-08 23:15:05 W8CI-750.3 km 322°2025-03-07 04:44:51
W8BAP-BBS50.3 km 85°2025-03-08 22:34:09 KE8TTQ-751.1 km 220°2025-03-05 04:40:07
KE8TTQ-1051.1 km 220°2025-03-08 23:00:01 KE8TTQ51.1 km 220°2025-03-07 04:14:22
KE8TTQ-151.1 km 220°2025-03-08 23:16:29 KE8YDQ-751.5 km 219°2025-03-06 22:17:15
KE8TTQ-552.1 km 220°2025-03-05 23:21:10 EW624552.3 km 219°2025-03-08 23:17:26
KD8WEK-952.9 km 265°2025-03-01 18:03:35 KD8EPR-N53.3 km 218°2025-02-08 00:09:46
KD8EPR-Y53.3 km 218°2025-02-07 19:59:06 KD8EPR-1053.3 km 218°2025-02-07 18:14:01
KD8EPR-753.3 km 218°2025-02-20 20:37:28 N8PEM53.9 km 73°2025-02-07 18:46:52
W8O/SE00553.9 km 73°2025-02-07 16:21:24 AB4WS W54.5 km 230°2025-03-08 23:05:26
AB4WS-W54.5 km 230°2025-03-08 23:05:36 W8MRC54.8 km 257°2025-03-08 23:11:13
N8PET54.9 km 258°2025-03-06 03:27:56 ND8D55.0 km 298°2025-03-08 23:16:41
KE8WSI-256.9 km 253°2025-03-03 00:05:17 DW673357.0 km 317°2025-03-08 23:14:24
FW948157.6 km 284°2025-03-08 23:17:25 ILNFLSD0A58.1 km 121°2025-02-18 04:32:24
ILNFLS60A58.5 km 283°2025-02-17 03:46:28 KD4PFF-1259.1 km 254°2025-03-04 02:31:49
ILNFLSB0A59.4 km 308°2025-02-17 15:46:44 DW458960.0 km 287°2025-03-08 23:15:02
WB4SQI-760.5 km 251°2025-02-25 08:54:16 WC8EMA60.8 km 296°2025-03-08 23:17:22
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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