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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       Completed generating statistics (took 0.056 s).
Stations near current position of KC7MOF
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
KC7MOF-100.0 m 0°2025-03-08 23:10:24 KJ7PWM-8204.8 m 173°2025-02-21 17:55:34
W7HRM-11.2 km 228°2025-03-08 23:15:13 W7HRM-101.2 km 229°2025-03-08 23:17:30
JUAN DE FUCA1.2 km 325°2025-02-28 15:31:54 OCEAN HUNTER1.2 km 325°2025-02-21 18:35:11
W7HRM-71.2 km 224°2025-02-28 20:30:16 JOMO1.3 km 343°2025-03-01 23:43:01
GEMELLI 1111.3 km 317°2025-03-08 23:26:52 EVVIVA1.3 km 315°2025-03-08 23:27:24
LYNN MARIE1.4 km 323°2025-03-08 23:25:48 LULU BELLE1.5 km 306°2025-03-08 16:33:13
SCAMPI1.6 km 306°2025-03-08 23:16:08 CROW ARROW1.6 km 306°2025-03-07 23:17:13
FALCON ARROW1.7 km 306°2025-03-08 19:46:22 WARRIOR1.7 km 306°2025-03-08 22:26:15
BRAVE ARROW1.7 km 306°2025-03-08 22:53:36 SLEEPY DOG1.7 km 307°2025-03-07 00:39:13
SNAGGLE TOOTH1.7 km 307°2025-03-08 21:11:41 STORM PETREL1.7 km 306°2025-02-26 20:50:24
COOL BREEZE1.7 km 307°2025-03-08 23:26:20 R POD1.8 km 306°2025-03-08 23:23:39
MARIAH1.8 km 308°2025-03-06 22:53:00 SV-IOREK1.8 km 305°2025-03-08 23:16:40
FREE SPIRIT1.8 km 306°2025-03-08 23:23:07 ALASKAN NAVIGATOR1.8 km 6°2025-03-08 23:27:24
CE1.9 km 4°2025-03-08 23:20:26 LAST ARROW1.9 km 309°2025-02-18 20:35:04
SHEARWATER1.9 km 307°2025-02-25 22:59:13 TOUGH GUY1.9 km 305°2025-03-01 10:31:42
SAINT MICHAEL2.0 km 308°2025-02-25 01:04:47 OCEAN JOY2.0 km 304°2025-03-08 23:27:24
RANGIFER2.0 km 307°2025-03-08 10:30:33 KNIGHT N GAIL2.1 km 306°2025-03-06 03:50:54
MALLARD2.1 km 305°2025-02-25 21:24:47 REEL ADVENTURE2.1 km 304°2025-03-08 20:22:19
SILK2.1 km 306°2025-03-02 00:36:43 SOLITUDE2.2 km 306°2025-03-07 10:07:56
HUSTLER II2.8 km 328°2025-03-08 23:27:24 PUGET_SOUND2.8 km 10°2025-03-08 23:28:29
USNS EAGLEVIEW2.9 km 23°2025-03-08 18:23:12 WIND SONG2.9 km 52°2025-03-02 22:07:53
CG ACTIVE3.0 km 28°2025-03-08 22:57:21 SEVERN3.0 km 316°2025-03-08 21:05:15
CG456023.1 km 28°2025-03-08 23:27:56 3726393443.1 km 28°2025-03-07 15:20:09
Ediz Hook3.1 km 29°2025-03-08 23:28:29 MUNSON3.5 km 50°2025-02-11 22:13:10
KG7GUO-54.5 km 103°2025-02-20 01:33:57 FW91405.8 km 96°2025-03-08 23:24:40
EW62306.2 km 125°2025-03-08 23:15:13 W7W/NO1687.2 km 180°2025-02-28 21:11:11
FW38348.3 km 180°2025-03-08 23:20:31 KC7JJ-109.4 km 90°2025-03-08 23:08:59
KJ7PWM-1010.5 km 94°2025-03-08 22:34:59 EW703911.8 km 261°2025-03-06 01:30:07
GW596112.6 km 98°2025-03-08 23:24:17 KJ7PWM-113.1 km 96°2025-03-08 23:24:51
W7MWR-913.7 km 270°2025-03-08 00:44:55 KB7ZDD-1014.6 km 282°2025-03-08 23:26:28
KB7ZDD-1515.9 km 277°2025-02-28 19:56:33 W0MUD16.4 km 299°2025-03-01 18:19:56
ARSINOE17.2 km 62°2025-03-08 23:28:29 W7FEL18.1 km 283°2025-03-08 22:36:40
CW139419.2 km 80°2025-03-08 23:29:05 EW755619.5 km 92°2025-03-08 23:15:16
K6MBY20.1 km 83°2025-03-08 23:29:07 K6MBY-1220.1 km 83°2025-03-06 18:57:28
S/Y VENTUROSA20.6 km 345°2025-03-08 23:28:29 GW521021.0 km 95°2025-03-08 23:20:19
4 EVER WILD21.6 km 339°2025-03-08 23:27:56 GW366821.8 km 108°2025-03-08 23:28:51
GENERAL JACKSON21.9 km 322°2025-03-08 23:26:20 EW708222.0 km 92°2025-03-08 23:27:04
KC7GVU22.5 km 103°2025-03-08 23:27:14 140559q3622.6 km 30°2025-02-15 23:51:04
WILD 4 WHALES22.7 km 335°2025-03-07 23:33:18 W5NH-924.9 km 99°2025-03-03 23:43:10
MSC BRUNELLA25.0 km 11°2025-03-08 23:17:45 AA0RD-1325.0 km 73°2025-03-08 23:28:18
ONLYFINS25.2 km 9°2025-03-02 18:25:11 KODIAK25.4 km 328°2025-03-07 21:07:22
KI7RBL-N25.6 km 92°2025-03-08 23:28:56 BORACAY ISLAND25.9 km 14°2025-03-08 23:25:48
W6EJE-926.0 km 92°2025-03-07 18:45:57 COUNTING COUP26.1 km 36°2025-03-02 18:43:58
RCMSAR TRNG VESSEL26.1 km 354°2025-03-05 18:59:48 AF7DX-126.3 km 102°2025-03-08 23:09:34
GW391626.6 km 108°2025-03-08 23:28:11 CDN WARSHIP 70226.8 km 344°2025-02-20 08:27:40
WB6OMC-226.9 km 99°2025-03-08 22:35:24 WB6OMC-1326.9 km 99°2025-03-08 20:52:55
K.J. GARDNER27.4 km 333°2025-03-08 23:11:18 AF7DX27.5 km 104°2025-03-08 22:45:06
AF7DX-927.5 km 104°2025-03-06 22:16:35 STRAIT SENTINEL27.6 km 333°2025-03-08 22:54:40
SENTINEL 3127.6 km 333°2025-03-06 19:09:42 G.M. PENMAN27.6 km 333°2025-03-08 23:04:20
CHEANUH SENTINEL27.6 km 333°2025-02-22 01:06:02 RACE SENTINEL27.6 km 333°2025-03-02 18:22:30
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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