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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       Completed generating statistics (took 0.050 s).
Stations near current position of N3PEM-N
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
KE4IHG B101.0 m 90°2025-02-25 17:53:25 KE4IHG-B101.0 m 90°2025-02-25 17:53:35
N3PEM-141.3 km 350°2025-03-03 22:51:26 DW94212.8 km 284°2025-03-05 13:30:49
WB3AZH-94.7 km 109°2025-03-05 12:49:15 EW28095.0 km 6°2025-03-05 13:35:16
K3DEF5.4 km 320°2025-03-03 00:22:57 EW85525.6 km 293°2025-03-05 13:30:17
W3ADP-96.1 km 313°2025-02-27 20:53:52 W3ADP-86.2 km 325°2025-02-15 00:14:41
GW28386.3 km 87°2025-03-05 13:35:29 GW57476.7 km 291°2025-03-05 13:35:26
K4YB-126.8 km 178°2025-03-01 16:39:13 KB3VR-D6.9 km 346°2025-02-13 01:32:22
KB3PHD7.1 km 130°2025-03-05 13:35:18 W3LBY-77.1 km 67°2025-02-05 21:01:44
AC3H-i7.2 km 148°2025-02-23 03:26:29 Tleektown7.3 km 287°2025-03-05 13:35:07
GW27217.3 km 115°2025-03-05 11:30:25 P-W3LBY7.6 km 59°2025-03-05 13:02:55
W5GMO7.6 km 199°2025-03-05 13:36:23 W3AS-77.7 km 3°2025-02-19 04:42:14
WA3RF-N8.0 km 98°2025-03-05 13:24:21 EW53098.4 km 302°2025-03-05 13:31:34
N3RQV8.4 km 302°2025-02-14 04:53:48 KD3AOU-48.4 km 199°2025-02-09 20:56:21
KC3MSE-D8.8 km 335°2025-03-05 13:20:52 DW62798.9 km 245°2025-03-05 13:35:16
KC3BBT-138.9 km 245°2025-03-05 13:35:59 N3COB8.9 km 342°2025-02-03 22:23:59
HUH9.3 km 190°2025-02-28 01:54:56 KD3AAV-99.7 km 205°2025-02-09 22:59:52
FW61659.9 km 320°2025-03-05 13:35:37 FW134110.8 km 174°2025-03-05 13:39:48
KC3BBT-911.1 km 285°2025-02-17 19:04:07 N3GXH-1011.1 km 176°2025-02-20 22:28:10
KC3ZTL-711.4 km 153°2025-02-13 02:52:27 KA3UQQ-411.5 km 314°2025-03-05 12:50:23
146.955-11.6 km 301°2025-03-05 13:38:30 KC3ZTL-311.7 km 154°2025-02-13 02:50:26
KC3ZTL-1011.7 km 154°2025-02-21 19:23:10 KC3ZTL-511.7 km 154°2025-02-13 02:50:07
WJ6F-911.8 km 195°2025-02-07 00:31:37 KC3ZTL-911.8 km 155°2025-02-23 16:31:59
FW934011.9 km 36°2025-03-05 13:30:28 KV3B-212.3 km 116°2025-03-05 13:39:15
WM3M-1012.5 km 301°2025-03-05 13:01:01 FW853112.7 km 172°2025-03-05 13:30:06
K3XIT12.7 km 360°2025-03-04 03:00:04 N3GJB-412.8 km 110°2025-02-07 14:23:15
WN3Y-Y13.0 km 132°2025-02-18 20:33:07 WN3Y-713.0 km 132°2025-03-02 15:49:34
W3HRD-913.0 km 283°2025-03-05 00:03:06 EW777413.0 km 291°2025-03-05 13:38:33
FW774513.1 km 175°2025-03-05 13:37:28 KB3IAI-713.1 km 93°2025-02-14 18:10:49
N3VO-913.1 km 281°2025-03-04 20:17:48 KB3IAI-413.2 km 93°2025-02-13 18:53:53
N3JFW-913.3 km 321°2025-03-02 22:11:28 KB3IAI-713.5 km 93°2025-02-14 21:20:36
KG4LAA-913.7 km 266°2025-03-05 12:19:58 KD3BUG-1514.0 km 115°2025-02-26 16:03:35
KB3CJJ-i14.1 km 177°2025-02-25 13:58:01 N4DR-D14.4 km 328°2025-03-05 13:28:39
N4DR-Y14.4 km 328°2025-03-05 13:28:30 N3BBF-D14.6 km 292°2025-03-05 13:27:45
N3BBF14.8 km 294°2025-03-02 05:31:54 KM4MLA-Y15.0 km 218°2025-03-04 13:46:05
K4AF-615.1 km 198°2025-03-04 22:09:31 CW934615.6 km 247°2025-03-05 13:30:10
KA3FTJ15.6 km 172°2025-02-23 10:12:34 DW801615.8 km 229°2025-02-11 19:43:53
WA5HDC-915.8 km 166°2025-02-25 18:18:38 KM4SQK-715.9 km 197°2025-02-03 19:16:19
FW982215.9 km 214°2025-03-05 13:36:55 FW686016.1 km 167°2025-03-05 13:30:41
FW381916.1 km 306°2025-03-05 13:37:01 FW587216.1 km 289°2025-03-05 13:30:21
WA3YOO-916.2 km 13°2025-03-05 12:57:30 AL3G-916.3 km 174°2025-03-05 12:10:13
KN4TSA-916.5 km 224°2025-02-24 19:27:51 GW143817.0 km 342°2025-03-05 13:37:34
KZ4AM17.2 km 212°2025-02-11 18:48:29 W4JJ-D17.3 km 208°2025-03-01 18:32:52
WA1EM17.3 km 195°2025-02-28 23:50:29 LWXMWS60A17.4 km 71°2025-02-28 01:02:15
FW627717.8 km 94°2025-03-05 13:30:35 K3OMS-1017.9 km 58°2025-03-05 13:33:10
GW577018.3 km 242°2025-03-05 13:39:46 KD3JA-1018.3 km 81°2025-03-05 13:21:51
N3XL-1018.3 km 99°2025-03-05 13:35:32 CW883818.5 km 206°2025-03-05 13:38:47
KQ4EXQ-718.5 km 236°2025-03-01 22:06:41 K3WMM-1518.7 km 34°2025-03-02 01:22:44
GW393118.7 km 194°2025-03-05 13:35:31 KM4DC-1019.0 km 214°2025-03-05 13:29:15
FW681919.2 km 88°2025-03-05 13:38:32 EW380619.3 km 268°2025-03-05 13:35:46
FW158319.5 km 220°2025-03-05 13:34:25 DW159019.5 km 38°2025-03-05 13:30:36
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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