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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       Completed generating statistics (took 0.039 s).
Stations near current position of OE/OO-150
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
OE/OO-0011.5 km 175°2025-02-22 11:27:19 OE/OO-0022.3 km 109°2025-03-04 09:55:47
OE5XDM2.9 km 144°2025-03-05 13:10:31 OE5MIL-133.9 km 22°2025-03-05 13:22:58
OE/OO-0127.7 km 59°2025-03-04 13:31:13 ER-OE5XKL7.7 km 59°2025-03-05 13:35:03
OE5XKL-DP7.7 km 59°2025-03-05 13:28:19 OE5XKL7.7 km 59°2025-03-05 13:10:38
OE5MIL-78.2 km 24°2025-03-04 13:26:55 OE5MIL-158.2 km 24°2025-03-05 13:29:31
OE5MIL8.2 km 25°2025-03-05 13:30:08 OE5MIL-98.3 km 23°2025-03-05 06:14:36
OE/SB-4339.7 km 260°2025-02-06 11:44:40 OE/OO-24410.0 km 14°2025-03-04 14:07:19
OE/ST-41310.7 km 133°2025-02-14 14:26:29 OE/ST-56011.1 km 189°2025-02-13 13:35:38
OE6CGG12.2 km 143°2025-03-05 13:30:01 OE2SWM12.4 km 195°2025-03-05 13:30:00
OE/OO-33713.3 km 360°2025-02-09 15:59:22 OE/SB-22813.4 km 257°2025-02-28 21:10:36
OE5FFE-714.4 km 184°2025-03-02 11:59:09 HA5TK-714.7 km 146°2025-03-04 13:05:24
OE/SB-42715.3 km 234°2025-03-05 13:28:55 OE6WND-715.5 km 145°2025-02-14 16:08:55
OE/ST-08115.8 km 180°2025-02-13 13:15:50 OE/ST-34218.5 km 155°2025-02-14 15:42:28
OE/OO-07419.2 km 8°2025-02-09 16:41:50 OE/ST-43219.5 km 143°2025-02-14 16:03:06
OE/SB-41920.9 km 263°2025-03-01 11:55:09 OE2KTO-522.2 km 225°2025-02-07 13:23:30
OE/SB-15822.5 km 217°2025-03-05 13:26:20 OE/SB-42622.8 km 240°2025-02-16 14:35:47
OE/SB-20723.1 km 263°2025-02-26 08:40:44 OE/SB-24223.5 km 318°2025-02-08 15:30:11
OE5JFE/P25.1 km 329°2025-02-09 10:30:55 OE/SB-25125.1 km 329°2025-02-09 14:31:08
PPk 147625.2 km 352°2025-03-04 20:40:02 OE/SB-23226.2 km 319°2025-02-08 13:07:01
OE5DZL26.2 km 319°2025-02-08 13:46:13 OE/SB-42027.5 km 245°2025-02-04 09:45:18
OE/OO-42827.9 km 341°2025-02-07 12:38:11 OK/OE5YYN27.9 km 341°2025-02-07 12:51:15
OE/SB-05128.4 km 272°2025-03-05 09:35:41 OE2GXL-128.8 km 259°2025-03-05 13:38:45
OE2HPO-730.6 km 250°2025-03-05 08:56:32 OE/SB-44532.0 km 258°2025-03-05 13:39:39
OE/ST-05332.5 km 108°2025-03-05 13:33:56 OE/SB-20633.2 km 232°2025-02-15 10:46:49
OE6ADE/P33.9 km 228°2025-03-02 14:42:00 OE/SB-16233.9 km 228°2025-03-02 13:54:03
OE/SB-25734.0 km 326°2025-03-04 16:25:10 OE5EEP/P34.0 km 326°2025-03-04 18:15:21
OE2XGR34.1 km 234°2025-03-05 13:12:00 OE2XGR-1034.3 km 235°2025-03-05 13:38:35
OE2XJL34.3 km 235°2025-03-05 13:22:00 OE2XGR-R34.3 km 235°2025-03-05 13:02:00
OE2XGR-B34.3 km 235°2025-03-05 13:32:00 OE/OO-02234.8 km 9°2025-02-09 11:59:38
OE/SB-34534.9 km 197°2025-03-05 13:13:00 DG2NDK-835.0 km 243°2025-03-02 14:08:42
OE/OO-26135.3 km 34°2025-02-20 11:09:29 OE5WAF37.0 km 307°2025-02-25 17:37:36
OE2JKN37.1 km 245°2025-02-28 21:03:39 OE5XFK37.5 km 14°2025-03-05 13:10:37
OE5HOO-737.8 km 20°2025-02-18 07:56:42 OE5HOO-D37.8 km 20°2025-03-05 13:26:06
OE/SB-24738.2 km 246°2025-03-02 15:06:32 OE/OO-41338.7 km 17°2025-02-09 16:21:59
OE2XNL40.0 km 178°2025-03-05 13:10:49 OE/SB-35440.1 km 178°2025-03-05 13:05:18
OE/OO-27540.4 km 16°2025-02-15 10:24:41 OE5SOS/P40.4 km 16°2025-03-04 15:32:10
OE5DZL/P40.5 km 13°2025-02-19 10:57:06 OE/OO-36840.5 km 13°2025-02-19 10:40:41
OE2XHR-1141.7 km 260°2025-03-05 13:31:55 OE2XHM41.7 km 260°2025-03-05 13:14:49
OE2XHR41.7 km 260°2025-03-05 13:32:49 DL/BG-02341.8 km 291°2025-03-05 11:55:47
DF1AI/P41.8 km 291°2025-03-05 12:23:29 DL/BG-06141.8 km 282°2025-02-08 12:01:22
DF1AI-1342.0 km 290°2025-03-05 11:45:42 OE/SB-39442.0 km 190°2025-03-05 13:08:24
OE/SB-36242.1 km 167°2025-02-12 18:54:12 OE/OO-26542.2 km 329°2025-02-28 13:34:00
OE2XTR42.6 km 295°2025-03-05 13:22:49 OE/SB-14142.9 km 238°2025-02-04 09:33:01
OE/OO-36542.9 km 340°2025-02-28 13:29:29 OE2YYP43.0 km 302°2025-02-22 09:23:56
OE2TRM-1043.3 km 178°2025-03-05 13:36:43 OE2ROL-143.4 km 299°2025-03-05 12:40:36
OE2ROL-243.4 km 299°2025-03-05 12:29:58 OE2KTO-D44.0 km 189°2025-03-04 18:59:02
OE2KTO B44.0 km 189°2025-03-04 19:01:13 OE2KTO-B44.0 km 189°2025-03-04 19:01:23
OE/SB-27144.3 km 320°2025-03-04 13:55:44 OE2XWL44.3 km 316°2025-03-05 06:38:01
OE/SB-16344.3 km 231°2025-02-20 09:26:12 OE6WOF/P44.3 km 231°2025-02-20 10:01:33
Jenner44.6 km 283°2025-03-05 13:00:14 DL/BG-09044.6 km 296°2025-02-23 08:56:09
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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