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Stations near current position of RFS530000
callsign distance last heard - EST      callsign distance last heard - EST
MNCBFA63A23.2 miles 57°2024-12-06 05:16:56 VK2XSO-123.9 miles 72°2024-12-18 06:54:18
RFS57892125.0 miles 280°2024-12-14 05:00:19 NTLBFA21A25.0 miles 280°2024-12-14 03:17:13
RFS57768727.5 miles 63°2024-12-02 02:01:17 VK2SL-527.7 miles 18°2024-12-06 01:25:44
RFS57838328.2 miles 41°2024-12-08 06:00:16 MNCBFA83A28.2 miles 41°2024-12-08 04:01:12
RFS57858528.6 miles 16°2024-12-10 19:01:37 EW715228.7 miles 16°2024-12-18 06:45:12
VK2RAB-131.1 miles 243°2024-12-18 06:57:55 NWSBFA46A31.7 miles 258°2024-11-23 21:45:35
RFS57664631.7 miles 258°2024-11-23 23:00:57 RFS57719532.1 miles 312°2024-11-27 07:00:56
NTLBFA95A32.1 miles 312°2024-11-27 05:30:35 NTLBFA76A33.1 miles 313°2024-12-02 23:46:52
VK2XSO-433.2 miles 314°2024-12-18 06:32:29 RFS57772233.2 miles 313°2024-12-02 05:01:11
VK2HMP-933.4 miles 303°2024-12-10 00:25:59 VK2XSO33.6 miles 313°2024-12-18 06:55:36
RFS57707233.7 miles 286°2024-11-26 04:01:06 NTLBFA72A33.7 miles 286°2024-11-26 02:31:38
RFS57722334.4 miles 309°2024-11-27 20:00:54 RFS57761734.6 miles 291°2024-12-01 04:01:09
VK2YGV-834.7 miles 300°2024-12-07 00:29:54 NTLBFA98A34.8 miles 309°2024-12-06 19:46:51
RFS57922336.8 miles 307°2024-12-16 12:00:33 NTLBFA23A36.9 miles 307°2024-12-16 10:46:48
RFS57692436.9 miles 292°2024-11-25 03:01:06 VK2KOF-737.3 miles 303°2024-12-16 02:33:09
RFS57867437.3 miles 301°2024-12-11 22:00:18 NTLBFA74A37.3 miles 301°2024-12-11 20:01:50
DW141737.6 miles 303°2024-12-18 06:45:43 VK2YGV-937.6 miles 307°2024-12-02 05:07:26
VK2YGV-537.8 miles 308°2024-12-18 06:46:04 RFS57900438.0 miles 303°2024-12-14 14:00:20
NTLBFA04A38.0 miles 303°2024-12-14 12:30:12 RFS57716538.0 miles 299°2024-11-27 02:01:12
VK2JAX D38.0 miles 300°2024-12-18 06:57:54 VK2JAX-D38.0 miles 300°2024-12-18 06:58:04
RFS57925838.2 miles 299°2024-12-16 21:00:59 NWSBFA58A38.2 miles 299°2024-12-16 19:45:54
RFS57792738.2 miles 308°2024-12-06 23:00:19 RFS57860938.2 miles 308°2024-12-15 04:00:32
NTLBFA09A38.2 miles 308°2024-12-15 02:30:12 NTLBFA27A38.2 miles 308°2024-12-06 21:15:33
RFS57817238.3 miles 301°2024-12-07 08:00:29 RFS57697338.4 miles 300°2024-11-25 10:00:56
RFS57533238.6 miles 307°2024-11-25 03:00:57 NTLBFA32A38.6 miles 307°2024-11-25 01:17:11
RFS57682238.7 miles 299°2024-11-24 05:00:47 NWSBFA22A38.7 miles 299°2024-11-24 03:16:56
RFS57772738.7 miles 299°2024-12-02 06:01:15 NWSBFA27A38.7 miles 299°2024-12-02 04:46:11
RFS57721538.9 miles 254°2024-11-27 17:00:58 RFS57944238.9 miles 92°2024-12-18 04:00:43
RFS57875039.0 miles 300°2024-12-12 17:00:38 RFS57876139.1 miles 253°2024-12-12 20:00:38
vk2jma39.2 miles 307°2024-12-15 05:44:08 VK2IBA-939.3 miles 307°2024-12-17 00:04:52
RFS57889239.4 miles 310°2024-12-13 22:00:31 NTLBFA92A39.4 miles 310°2024-12-13 20:31:11
RFS57743239.8 miles 305°2024-11-29 08:01:01 RFS57677140.5 miles 304°2024-11-23 21:00:52
RFS57854941.3 miles 304°2024-12-10 09:01:10 NWSBFA49A41.3 miles 304°2024-12-10 07:01:52
RFS57930941.4 miles 301°2024-12-17 04:00:45 RFS57698841.4 miles 280°2024-11-25 18:01:12
RFS57681442.9 miles 303°2024-11-24 03:01:09 VK2JFP-943.6 miles 307°2024-11-28 01:21:31
VK2JFP-1043.6 miles 307°2024-12-18 06:56:48 RFS57685143.6 miles 281°2024-11-24 11:00:50
RFS57668545.5 miles 307°2024-11-23 06:00:43 NWSBFA85A45.5 miles 307°2024-11-23 04:45:52
RFS57712145.9 miles 236°2024-11-26 21:00:53 RFS57731546.7 miles 252°2024-11-30 04:01:07
RFS57653546.8 miles 254°2024-11-22 06:00:37
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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