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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       Completed generating statistics (took 0.014 s).
Stations near current position of VK6HRC-1
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
VK6BFO-92.3 km 333°2025-03-07 12:50:57 VK6BFO-D2.4 km 335°2025-03-09 07:22:19
VK6JI-93.8 km 93°2025-03-09 06:59:03 VK6JI-53.8 km 93°2025-02-10 13:40:06
VK6JI-113.8 km 93°2025-03-09 07:23:45 VK6MIL4.4 km 334°2025-03-07 12:55:27
VK6JI-124.4 km 95°2025-02-25 10:19:00 IPERTH3116.4 km 10°2025-03-06 07:11:55
VK6PCB-97.3 km 167°2025-03-09 06:31:04 VK6KHV-17.5 km 102°2025-03-09 07:00:04
VK6KHV-97.5 km 102°2025-03-09 03:51:07 VK6WB-98.2 km 99°2025-02-24 06:11:59
VK6EX-18.3 km 98°2025-03-09 07:20:43 G6BVN-58.4 km 178°2025-03-08 05:38:41
VK6HAX-78.4 km 165°2025-03-02 12:38:26 VK6WB8.7 km 98°2025-03-09 07:17:04
VK6YY-79.4 km 170°2025-02-16 11:49:24 VK6YY9.4 km 170°2025-02-26 03:00:25
NCRG15.7 km 83°2025-02-22 23:00:17 VK6HGR-117.1 km 108°2025-03-09 06:54:38
VK6XR D17.2 km 150°2025-03-09 07:19:39 VK6XR-D17.2 km 150°2025-03-09 07:19:49
VK6ZMS-817.5 km 153°2025-02-15 03:15:58 VK6BFO-518.5 km 145°2025-03-05 05:26:55
VK6CO-618.6 km 119°2025-03-09 06:58:10 VK6CO-218.6 km 119°2025-03-09 07:11:09
VK6FG20.4 km 71°2025-02-16 04:11:07 VK6NAV-220.5 km 161°2025-03-07 07:51:24
VK6NP-920.9 km 151°2025-03-01 04:35:03 VK3CVD-921.2 km 74°2025-03-09 02:41:33
VK6NP-121.3 km 152°2025-03-09 07:05:26 VK6LAM-921.6 km 123°2025-03-09 07:22:19
BD4VEA-122.2 km 146°2025-03-03 05:46:30 GW393222.8 km 75°2025-03-09 07:12:04
BD4VEA-724.1 km 153°2025-03-08 05:30:52 VK6ST-525.6 km 183°2025-02-14 09:13:55
VK6BCK-727.7 km 133°2025-03-09 03:18:35 VK6RO27.9 km 146°2025-03-09 04:04:11
VK6TXT-728.5 km 133°2025-03-01 01:32:48 VK6ZGN-129.5 km 154°2025-03-08 04:02:29
VK6HE-729.8 km 135°2025-03-01 02:49:48 GW360730.6 km 121°2025-03-09 07:20:36
VK6ZRW-1032.7 km 170°2025-03-09 07:18:27 VK6DI-D32.8 km 335°2025-03-03 11:28:22
EW282632.9 km 146°2025-03-09 07:20:12 VK6XZ-133.6 km 145°2025-02-11 09:22:34
VK6RHF-135.2 km 135°2025-03-09 07:03:37 VK6GHZ-1535.7 km 165°2025-03-07 10:06:33
VK6ADZ-935.7 km 172°2025-03-09 07:09:38 VK6HAM-237.2 km 104°2025-03-09 06:18:36
VK6HAM-137.2 km 104°2025-03-09 07:14:13 VK6HAM-538.3 km 102°2025-03-07 02:16:55
VK6GHZ-138.3 km 166°2025-03-09 07:23:16 VK6GHZ-D38.3 km 166°2025-03-09 04:16:53
VK6RWN A40.2 km 139°2025-03-09 07:05:52 VK6RWN AD40.2 km 139°2025-03-09 07:05:52
VK6RWN B40.2 km 139°2025-03-09 07:05:52 VK6RWN C40.2 km 139°2025-03-09 07:05:52
VK6RWN-C40.2 km 139°2025-03-09 07:05:37 VK6RWN-B40.2 km 139°2025-03-09 07:05:37
VK6RWN-A40.2 km 139°2025-03-09 07:05:37 VK6DOC D41.0 km 145°2025-02-25 09:29:29
VK6DOC-D41.0 km 145°2025-02-25 09:29:39 VK6PM-943.0 km 145°2025-03-07 06:29:41
VK6SR-343.4 km 145°2025-03-09 06:34:08 FW402344.1 km 139°2025-03-09 07:20:04
VK6VE-D45.4 km 149°2025-03-03 06:01:33 VK6VE B45.4 km 149°2025-02-24 08:55:00
VK6VE-B45.4 km 149°2025-02-24 08:55:10 VK6/SW07254.7 km 71°2025-03-02 05:53:25
VK6REC-156.1 km 89°2025-03-09 07:04:33 VK6RAV-371.3 km 74°2025-03-06 23:35:33
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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