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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       Completed generating statistics (took 0.019 s).
Stations near current position of WP4PHT
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
CW97541.4 km 209°2025-03-03 17:25:03 KP4/CE0293.6 km 11°2025-02-13 22:05:32
KP4KGZ-53.8 km 64°2025-03-08 23:13:13 KP4/CE0076.5 km 324°2025-02-12 21:38:30
FW43257.3 km 275°2025-03-08 23:25:49 GW56477.8 km 320°2025-03-08 23:28:12
WP4TZ-711.1 km 320°2025-03-08 17:33:03 NW4A-1011.1 km 321°2025-03-08 23:24:19
KP4LAC-912.3 km 264°2025-03-08 23:28:10 GW598813.6 km 314°2025-03-08 23:29:24
NP4JN-1216.5 km 335°2025-03-08 22:47:19 GW090717.5 km 349°2025-03-08 23:15:31
CAYEYS18.2 km 309°2025-03-08 23:20:03 KP4/CE02218.2 km 310°2025-03-03 23:05:27
KP3N18.2 km 310°2025-03-08 18:38:50 WP4TZ18.2 km 310°2025-03-08 18:16:42
WP4SBC-N18.6 km 82°2025-03-08 00:14:44 WP4SBC-D18.6 km 82°2025-03-08 00:14:54
NP4JN-919.1 km 324°2025-03-07 22:34:58 NP4JN-719.6 km 328°2025-03-08 23:12:29
DW724919.6 km 334°2025-03-08 23:15:41 KP4/CE00819.9 km 353°2025-03-08 23:00:18
NP4JN-1120.0 km 326°2025-03-08 22:45:16 WP4CG-R120.0 km 327°2025-02-14 20:10:23
KP4NCF-1020.2 km 29°2025-03-08 19:44:40 KP4NZE-Y21.1 km 278°2025-03-02 19:39:07
KP4DMR21.3 km 67°2025-02-10 00:38:22 NP4JN-R21.5 km 330°2025-03-08 23:11:58
GW585721.6 km 297°2025-03-08 23:29:13 KP4NZE-N21.9 km 297°2025-03-02 19:38:27
WP4RBO-922.6 km 346°2025-03-07 21:00:57 KP4DOG-1024.4 km 320°2025-03-08 22:38:02
KP4/CC03525.5 km 321°2025-03-02 23:06:03 KP3J-925.7 km 309°2025-03-04 20:19:06
CW882226.1 km 11°2025-03-08 23:15:07 NP4MK-N26.2 km 1°2025-03-06 17:19:30
NP4MK-1026.2 km 1°2025-03-03 00:01:31 KP3J26.2 km 310°2025-03-08 23:15:09
WP4DMD-R26.2 km 9°2025-03-08 23:12:08 WP4DMD-1126.9 km 5°2025-03-08 23:23:14
WP3NW26.9 km 40°2025-03-07 18:24:01 WP3NW-1026.9 km 40°2025-03-07 21:12:38
NP3IR27.5 km 61°2025-02-19 14:01:16 EW675427.7 km 3°2025-03-08 23:15:56
WP4DMD-1327.9 km 4°2025-03-08 23:08:36 WP3XM28.8 km 37°2025-03-08 23:27:12
GW453829.7 km 2°2025-03-08 23:28:45 KP4/CC04230.3 km 2°2025-03-08 22:56:39
NP3IR-930.5 km 4°2025-02-10 17:22:01 P-WP4NNZ32.3 km 292°2025-03-08 16:02:52
KP4/CE02032.8 km 6°2025-03-08 22:49:46 WP4DMD-1433.5 km 3°2025-03-08 23:08:37
KP4ASD-N33.5 km 276°2025-02-15 11:10:00 WP4NNZ-733.8 km 288°2025-03-08 18:23:13
WP4NNZ-834.2 km 287°2025-03-08 18:20:01 MARQSA34.4 km 351°2025-03-08 23:21:19
WP4NNZ-134.6 km 277°2025-02-28 05:09:30 GW586935.3 km 276°2025-03-08 23:28:29
FW430037.0 km 42°2025-03-08 23:25:45 KP4/CE01837.8 km 0°2025-03-08 23:21:24
WP3EF-238.3 km 30°2025-03-01 13:51:38 WP3EF-438.3 km 30°2025-02-20 21:14:23
NP3QA-138.7 km 296°2025-03-03 02:40:45 WP3OF-R440.0 km 33°2025-03-04 19:00:48
fw248040.3 km 3°2025-03-08 20:31:00 WP4PXF-740.3 km 354°2025-02-16 22:10:45
KP3AV-R40.8 km 307°2025-03-08 23:22:46 KP3BB-940.8 km 359°2025-02-13 16:28:17
KP4ECO-141.3 km 26°2025-03-08 23:17:11 KP4NNC-1041.5 km 324°2025-03-08 22:38:16
KP4AJ-1141.8 km 315°2025-03-08 23:06:20 WP4OYS-1142.2 km 341°2025-02-21 07:33:28
GW599742.3 km 332°2025-03-08 23:27:06 WP3OF-R342.4 km 316°2025-03-04 19:00:35
KP4HRR-942.7 km 356°2025-03-08 16:54:39 KP4DOG-142.7 km 2°2025-03-08 22:37:58
N7SS-742.9 km 13°2025-02-28 21:53:36 WP4SDE43.2 km 360°2025-03-01 12:50:33
WP4SDE-943.2 km 360°2025-03-02 23:49:45 KP4HRR-Y43.4 km 354°2025-02-28 20:51:21
KP3DB-944.1 km 339°2025-02-27 20:12:31 KP3DB-1044.3 km 339°2025-02-28 18:36:17
KP3DB44.3 km 339°2025-02-23 23:54:20 WP4TGI-744.4 km 56°2025-02-27 20:20:13
WP4OH-1145.0 km 280°2025-03-08 22:51:51 KP4CRN45.2 km 346°2025-03-08 23:27:00
KP4CRN-R45.2 km 346°2025-03-08 23:21:23 KP4CRN-N45.2 km 346°2025-03-08 23:18:05
KP3AV-145.3 km 320°2025-03-08 23:21:58 GW387545.4 km 299°2025-03-08 23:15:51
WP4TNV-145.8 km 18°2025-03-04 17:39:47 WP4TNV45.8 km 18°2025-03-02 18:49:54
WP4TNV-1545.8 km 18°2025-02-28 03:11:01 WP4TNV-1445.8 km 18°2025-03-07 18:06:33
KC1OCY-745.9 km 38°2025-02-28 17:50:35 WP4TNV-R46.2 km 19°2025-03-07 23:25:36
WP4TGI-D46.3 km 57°2025-02-14 01:00:34 KP4/CE00146.8 km 37°2025-02-28 20:30:43
WP4OH-246.8 km 277°2025-02-20 15:00:01 GW584248.5 km 288°2025-03-08 23:26:30
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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