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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of OCEAN DREAM 2
callsign distance last heard - EDT      callsign distance last heard - EDT
DIVERGENT7.4 yards 189°2024-06-03 16:46:11 CLARITY20.7 yards 340°2024-06-03 09:30:33
MELODY22.8 yards 273°2024-06-27 02:26:07 DARK HORSE23.1 yards 138°2024-06-27 03:27:35
TACOCAT28.2 yards 335°2024-06-17 03:14:22 KAYA33.5 yards 308°2024-06-27 03:08:31
SUNSHINE38.1 yards 103°2024-06-23 12:27:36 REACH56.5 yards 120°2024-06-06 15:32:01
BASIK68.9 yards 97°2024-06-20 10:02:43 WAYFINDER69.3 yards 358°2024-06-15 07:41:18
FAR OUT 269.4 yards 244°2024-06-22 10:56:16 SERENITY74.3 yards 136°2024-05-30 11:52:03
THYRA79.1 yards 170°2024-06-19 21:19:39 ATARAXIA82.5 yards 56°2024-06-27 02:33:15
KATEMBA83.7 yards 135°2024-05-28 12:27:43 CV2983.9 yards 64°2024-06-05 17:02:11
YOLENE84.0 yards 40°2024-06-27 02:20:07 MORIGAN87.8 yards 185°2024-06-22 14:48:01
YES93.1 yards 66°2024-06-24 10:44:15 PIXEL95.1 yards 85°2024-06-23 11:42:27
SEXY BADASS97.9 yards 63°2024-06-27 03:28:35 DOMICIL114.5 yards 43°2024-06-27 03:23:35
EMMY KATE128.6 yards 163°2024-06-25 13:40:13 NORTHERN LYNX131.0 yards 211°2024-06-27 02:50:15
CHILI147.6 yards 189°2024-06-27 01:25:58 367524910 US186.9 yards 341°2024-06-06 16:40:02
THISTLE211.6 yards 52°2024-06-27 01:57:59 PANAMA STAR218.5 yards 35°2024-06-27 02:27:07
DARIEN K255.9 yards 28°2024-06-14 15:59:19 LA NINA272.2 yards 5°2024-06-26 09:01:14
KEN G276.5 yards 4°2024-06-27 02:25:07 HENG DE280.0 yards 21°2024-06-21 14:38:41
SV LILEJU280.9 yards 22°2024-06-13 11:07:56 KOKOI281.2 yards 24°2024-06-03 11:57:34
STRAY CAT 2360.4 yards 321°2024-06-27 03:29:35 BIG EMOCEANS0.5 miles 100°2024-06-15 07:27:19
NAVYO0.6 miles 86°2024-06-03 12:11:34 NAYLAMP 10.6 miles 55°2024-06-27 03:05:27
ELAPS0.8 miles 86°2024-06-21 12:26:16 PUNA1.1 miles 69°2024-05-28 11:49:43
S V OHANA1.2 miles 58°2024-06-06 16:51:01 MAERSK NEWHAVEN1.2 miles 84°2024-06-27 03:26:35
CELSIUS PORTO1.5 miles 61°2024-06-27 03:29:35 EAGLE NAVIGATOR1.5 miles 62°2024-06-27 03:26:35
DAT VENUS1.7 miles 91°2024-06-27 03:28:35 ZORBA1.7 miles 355°2024-06-21 11:05:16
MSC ZLATA R1.7 miles 72°2024-06-27 03:28:35 CARINTHIA1.8 miles 282°2024-05-31 18:43:34
PLATYTERA1.8 miles 61°2024-06-27 03:27:35 VESLETS1.9 miles 113°2024-06-12 00:08:36
NORDIC HUNTER1.9 miles 76°2024-06-17 07:54:51 MAERSK TEESPORT2.0 miles 357°2024-06-27 03:24:35
MSXT ASTERIA2.1 miles 108°2024-06-09 23:05:13 PACIFIC BLUE2.2 miles 78°2024-06-27 03:11:31
SOLAR KAREN2.3 miles 104°2024-06-17 10:14:20 PRELUDE2.3 miles 73°2024-06-07 09:49:29
ENTERPRISE2.3 miles 74°2024-06-18 02:49:37 SEGEL.BAR2.3 miles 58°2024-06-01 13:12:06
SILVER CARLA2.4 miles 74°2024-06-09 13:06:05 NORD MIRAI2.4 miles 113°2024-06-10 09:27:37
AQUARAMA2.5 miles 67°2024-06-08 08:56:19 JIRISAN EXPLORER2.5 miles 17°2024-06-27 03:22:35
RAYA2.5 miles 116°2024-06-26 17:39:00 MSC TEXAS2.6 miles 115°2024-06-15 10:37:47
U) 0 M%"T ? *M. Z2.6 miles 110°2024-06-27 03:28:35 D. OCEANO2.7 miles 100°2024-06-27 03:22:35
355447291 PA2.7 miles 126°2024-06-21 05:51:38 MSC ALMA VII2.7 miles 112°2024-06-27 03:30:35
TAMBOR IV2.8 miles 79°2024-06-27 03:29:35 CHARLES NEWMAN2.8 miles 111°2024-06-22 13:14:49
OPCIII2.8 miles 79°2024-06-26 17:28:52 PDTE MANUEL AMADOR2.8 miles 287°2024-06-26 19:44:21
RIGI VENTURE2.8 miles 112°2024-06-27 02:49:15 ADEBOWALE2.8 miles 101°2024-06-27 03:07:27
GUARDIA2.8 miles 130°2024-06-27 03:30:35 GREEN MAVERIC2.8 miles 68°2024-06-27 03:04:27
LISA2.9 miles 133°2024-06-27 03:29:35 CHRISTOS XXIV2.9 miles 85°2024-06-27 02:25:07
MSC JASPER VIII2.9 miles 48°2024-06-27 03:30:35 MSC CHARLESTON2.9 miles 112°2024-06-27 03:10:31
CAPT.CHIDE2.9 miles 103°2024-06-27 03:26:35 DWS LINDA2.9 miles 69°2024-06-25 13:54:13
MSC VERACRUZ3.0 miles 111°2024-06-11 09:00:55 CAPT.CHIDE3.0 miles 103°2024-06-21 13:51:33
VALME B3.0 miles 84°2024-06-27 02:57:19 STAR OSPREY3.0 miles 51°2024-06-16 10:28:21
SILVER ELLIE3.0 miles 48°2024-06-05 14:41:03 TORM VOYAGER3.0 miles 132°2024-06-01 17:42:12
GUSTAVO CASTRO3.0 miles 112°2024-06-27 03:11:31 RIO TUIRA3.0 miles 135°2024-06-27 03:30:35
VENRAY3.1 miles 80°2024-06-27 02:56:19 ST TRINIDAD3.1 miles 111°2024-06-27 03:30:35
MONJASA STRIKER3.1 miles 80°2024-06-27 03:26:35 LAUTARO3.1 miles 75°2024-06-27 03:21:35
BASTILLE STREET3.1 miles 357°2024-06-27 03:06:27 GAS JUPITER3.1 miles 19°2024-06-27 03:28:35
ST BONAIRE3.1 miles 110°2024-06-27 02:54:19 MAKO I3.1 miles 109°2024-06-05 07:49:53
SAAM QUIBIAN3.1 miles 110°2024-06-27 03:20:35 MSC WESER3.1 miles 110°2024-06-27 01:47:59
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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