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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of REX RHENI
callsign distance last heard - EST      callsign distance last heard - EST
THEKLA10.5 yards 295°2024-12-16 07:40:28 SPINOZA70.1 yards 32°2024-12-17 04:04:57
OLESIA93.3 yards 307°2024-12-17 17:54:36 EDELWEISS241.6 yards 26°2024-12-17 03:45:38
OSTRY388.7 yards 45°2024-12-17 11:57:43 JOVEANTE400.7 yards 44°2024-12-16 10:39:24
SCHLOSS QUEDLINBURG402.2 yards 33°2024-12-16 22:14:07 PANDORA422.0 yards 37°2024-12-17 09:24:11
AMORE426.0 yards 213°2024-12-16 09:53:39 EMMA449.6 yards 216°2024-12-17 04:52:44
VIVARIUM-L456.4 yards 213°2024-12-15 06:41:24 PANDA0.3 miles 211°2024-12-17 05:23:14
VITA DURA0.4 miles 211°2024-12-16 05:41:31 VOLHARDING 10.4 miles 213°2024-12-15 12:17:56
QUATTRO0.4 miles 37°2024-12-17 17:51:33 RP DORDRECHT0.5 miles 39°2024-12-17 13:23:06
CHRISTOPH BURMESTER0.7 miles 38°2024-12-16 04:27:18 OVERWAARD0.7 miles 202°2024-12-16 20:00:50
SYMPHONY0.8 miles 201°2024-12-17 01:33:26 BOSTON0.8 miles 200°2024-12-15 07:12:55
MILLENNIUM1.3 miles 179°2024-12-17 11:35:20 MALAIRO1.3 miles 177°2024-12-17 12:37:21
2447516731.3 miles 175°2024-11-22 04:22:08 2115040901.4 miles 35°2024-12-16 03:41:32
MANUEL1.4 miles 173°2024-12-15 08:31:13 AMOUREUS1.5 miles 170°2024-12-08 00:01:47
UNION X1.5 miles 169°2024-12-17 10:46:32 ST ANTONIUS1.5 miles 168°2024-12-17 17:53:35
OXFORD1.5 miles 168°2024-12-16 07:39:27 KRUIER1.6 miles 164°2024-12-17 16:28:11
AHEAD1.6 miles 168°2024-12-14 03:00:02 RHEIN GALAXIE1.6 miles 167°2024-12-08 15:11:48
VIERWALDSTAETTERSEE1.7 miles 161°2024-12-17 03:05:59 WATERPOORT1.8 miles 35°2024-12-17 05:47:38
VOLONTA1.8 miles 32°2024-12-17 17:53:35 RIVERO1.9 miles 157°2024-12-17 14:00:43
LIBEL1.9 miles 34°2024-12-13 11:25:22 SOPHIE DEYMANN2.1 miles 30°2024-12-17 11:10:56
STOLT SCHELDE2.2 miles 32°2024-12-15 09:43:24 SAPPHIRE 12.2 miles 29°2024-12-16 08:05:53
CUGINI2.2 miles 29°2024-12-17 15:19:00 KREFELD2.2 miles 32°2024-11-22 06:34:20
ANVAYA2.2 miles 32°2024-12-17 13:52:35 SOMTRANS XXIV2.2 miles 31°2024-12-17 11:20:05
ARIANE2.2 miles 31°2024-12-17 13:17:00 EILTANK 212.2 miles 32°2024-12-17 13:49:32
GERJA2.2 miles 32°2024-12-16 07:17:05 ESTIVO12.2 miles 29°2024-12-17 10:15:01
FIDENTE2.2 miles 147°2024-12-17 17:46:28 ELEONORA2.3 miles 28°2024-12-17 10:16:02
SYNTHESE 42.3 miles 31°2024-12-17 09:07:55 FRANCONIA2.3 miles 30°2024-12-17 15:14:56
JAN2.4 miles 26°2024-12-12 08:26:30 BELICHA2.4 miles 29°2024-12-17 13:39:22
CALIFORNIE2.5 miles 29°2024-12-17 10:18:04 SOMTRANS XIV2.5 miles 28°2024-12-17 17:35:17
SCHLOSS VERSAILLES2.6 miles 25°2024-12-17 00:37:27 SPERANZA2.7 miles 25°2024-12-17 15:03:45
EMELIE DEYMANN2.8 miles 24°2024-12-14 10:08:03 DB0DUS-102.9 miles 87°2024-12-17 17:50:17
P-DB0DUS2.9 miles 87°2024-12-17 17:00:42 DB0DUS-122.9 miles 87°2024-12-17 17:31:51
MANNHEIM I3.0 miles 21°2024-12-17 17:54:36 PRINCESS Y723.1 miles 15°2024-12-16 07:56:44
NEUSS3.1 miles 15°2024-12-09 04:00:33 SCHLOSS KATHARINEN3.2 miles 345°2024-12-16 19:11:59
ICARUS3.3 miles 10°2024-12-17 11:22:07 DL4MFM-33.4 miles 79°2024-12-15 12:45:44
DL1EJD3.4 miles 98°2024-12-11 04:23:08 DO3DCF-43.6 miles 133°2024-12-17 01:56:07
DH5DS-53.7 miles 116°2024-12-09 04:00:23 DL4YAS3.7 miles 298°2024-11-28 06:10:05
MIRJAM3.8 miles 342°2024-12-17 17:39:21 DB1EPO-63.9 miles 266°2024-12-15 10:12:58
RITRABO3.9 miles 356°2024-12-17 13:41:24 DL1ESZ4.0 miles 77°2024-12-11 14:31:46
VITADOR4.0 miles 341°2024-12-17 12:54:38 SILJA4.1 miles 340°2024-12-17 17:54:36
DO4FBI-D4.1 miles 72°2024-12-17 17:51:52 DO4FBI-Y4.1 miles 72°2024-12-17 17:52:42
DF1LON-94.2 miles 263°2024-12-17 11:15:34 DF1LON4.2 miles 263°2024-12-17 17:52:03
DYNAMICA4.3 miles 172°2024-12-17 16:14:58 DB0OTV-64.3 miles 252°2024-12-17 17:50:59
DB0OTV-24.3 miles 251°2024-12-17 17:50:19 DB0OTV-104.3 miles 252°2024-12-17 17:50:44
DB0OTV-114.3 miles 252°2024-12-17 17:43:08 THEODELA4.4 miles 345°2024-12-17 10:33:19
BO DJOVANNY4.4 miles 143°2024-11-20 13:16:49 QUIRINUS4.5 miles 172°2024-12-16 04:11:02
SIANTO4.5 miles 157°2024-12-17 09:23:10 STADT ASCHAFFENBURG4.5 miles 342°2024-12-17 03:08:01
HUELSKENS 314.7 miles 340°2024-12-17 17:54:36 MS1064.8 miles 340°2024-12-17 17:53:35
WANDELAAR4.8 miles 162°2024-11-20 02:23:04 DL7JST4.8 miles 105°2024-11-25 12:07:01
NIEUWE MAAS4.8 miles 153°2024-12-17 06:11:01 MOANA4.9 miles 334°2024-12-17 17:54:36
IJSSELDELTA4.9 miles 338°2024-12-17 17:53:35 DL2DE-104.9 miles 318°2024-12-17 17:51:59
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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