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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of JADRO
callsign distance last heard - EST      callsign distance last heard - EST
AZUREE40.2 yards 176°2024-11-23 14:32:25 ZILTE WAAIER113.2 yards 177°2024-11-22 03:16:10
SJENG151.1 yards 167°2024-11-23 06:49:13 IJSSELMEER161.4 yards 15°2024-11-23 14:31:35
RWS 84186.6 yards 5°2024-11-23 14:31:35 ORION207.5 yards 175°2024-11-23 14:27:22
RWS 75213.9 yards 0°2024-11-23 14:32:25 BLISS290.4 yards 202°2024-11-23 14:32:25
NAIXXO 2334.0 yards 215°2024-11-21 12:32:48 TIMETRA428.3 yards 200°2024-11-23 13:20:52
YAMPA486.3 yards 176°2024-11-23 10:26:34 SARAH0.5 miles 64°2024-11-22 03:18:19
VTS Wemeldinge0.5 miles 96°2024-11-23 14:32:25 KAPAL0.8 miles 181°2024-11-23 14:32:25
ANTIBES1.2 miles 49°2024-11-23 14:30:32 VERTROUWEN YE-1322.3 miles 119°2024-11-23 14:32:25
YE-47 WILHELMINA2.3 miles 119°2024-11-23 02:03:08 GOEDE HOOP YE412.3 miles 119°2024-11-23 14:30:32
YE48 OPHOOPVANZEGEN2.4 miles 119°2024-11-22 07:45:21 LUCTOR2.4 miles 119°2024-11-23 14:32:25
HON-14 ALFOBERT2.4 miles 119°2024-11-23 14:32:25 YE-71 JOHANNA ANTOIN2.4 miles 119°2024-11-23 14:32:25
YE-84 ISABEL2.4 miles 119°2024-11-23 14:32:25 YE-179 CORN.GERRIT2.4 miles 120°2024-11-23 14:32:25
YE 155 STORMV0GEL2.4 miles 121°2024-11-23 14:31:35 YE 892.4 miles 122°2024-11-23 14:30:32
YE-24 SARAH.MAURITS2.4 miles 122°2024-11-23 14:31:35 RI-JOS2.5 miles 120°2024-11-23 14:32:25
YE 39 HUGO SR2.5 miles 122°2024-12-14 01:54:26 YE-125 CHRISTIAAN2.5 miles 122°2024-11-23 14:31:35
YE-29 JACOBA PRINS2.5 miles 122°2024-11-23 14:32:25 YE82 MAATJE V LIERE2.5 miles 120°2024-11-23 14:30:32
DEI GRATIA YE-1402.5 miles 121°2024-11-22 09:50:59 244048325 NL2.5 miles 120°2024-11-22 08:20:28
YE-27 PROSPER JULIEN2.5 miles 120°2024-11-23 14:30:32 YE95 PRIMAR2.5 miles 121°2024-11-23 14:31:35
OSTREA YE452.5 miles 121°2024-11-23 14:32:25 YE3 ZEEPAARD2.5 miles 123°2024-11-23 14:31:35
WILLEMINA PIETERNELL2.5 miles 123°2024-11-23 14:31:35 ZWAARDVIS2.5 miles 121°2024-11-23 06:16:11
YE42 ANNE ELIZABETH2.5 miles 121°2024-11-23 14:31:35 YE63 KIEKUUT2.5 miles 123°2024-11-23 14:28:25
YE76 TOBBER2.5 miles 122°2024-11-23 14:32:25 MERU YE1522.5 miles 123°2024-11-23 14:31:35
C'EST LA VIE YE72.5 miles 123°2024-11-23 14:32:25 ZOMER2.6 miles 124°2024-11-23 14:31:35
YE20 SEMPERCONFIDENS2.6 miles 122°2024-11-23 14:27:22 HA36 SCHILLHORN2.6 miles 121°2024-11-23 14:30:32
AMELIA2.6 miles 123°2024-11-23 14:32:25 BEROZESMA2.6 miles 125°2024-11-23 14:31:35
SO WAD2.6 miles 124°2024-11-23 14:29:29 YE100 ADRIAANMARINUS2.6 miles 122°2024-11-23 14:32:25
CARTOUCHE2.6 miles 124°2024-11-23 13:39:53 CHARMANI2.6 miles 124°2024-11-23 14:30:32
THORANG-LA2.6 miles 124°2024-11-23 14:29:29 MARGAUX2.6 miles 125°2024-11-23 14:27:22
ZEEZUIPER2.6 miles 125°2024-11-23 14:21:02 PD2CH2.7 miles 245°2024-11-23 14:32:28
MAXIMA2.8 miles 130°2024-11-23 14:31:35 HA24 ALEA IACTA EST3.2 miles 135°2024-11-23 14:32:25
ANNA CHRISTINA YE113.3 miles 137°2024-11-23 14:32:25 EEMSHORN3.3 miles 138°2024-11-23 14:27:22
CON ZELO3.4 miles 180°2024-11-22 03:18:19 AYUMI3.6 miles 293°2024-11-23 14:30:32
BLIZZARD3.6 miles 180°2024-11-23 14:32:25 MONTANA3.7 miles 178°2024-11-23 14:31:35
HEIDE3.7 miles 180°2024-11-23 14:31:35 RV1763.7 miles 292°2024-11-23 14:30:32
COPENHAGEN3.8 miles 180°2024-11-23 14:28:25 AMY3.8 miles 180°2024-11-23 14:30:32
AMIGO3.9 miles 180°2024-11-23 14:32:25 EXCALIBUR3.9 miles 180°2024-11-23 14:31:35
ZWAANTJE93.9 miles 180°2024-11-23 14:30:32 WALRUS4.0 miles 180°2024-11-23 14:32:25
ZANDKREEK4.0 miles 179°2024-11-23 14:32:25 MATHILDE4.0 miles 179°2024-11-19 16:12:42
HOLLARE4.1 miles 179°2024-11-23 14:21:02 MARLIN4.1 miles 179°2024-11-19 16:12:42
CLASINA MARIA4.1 miles 179°2024-11-23 14:31:35 CONTENT4.1 miles 178°2024-11-19 16:12:42
KRABBENKREEK4.1 miles 179°2024-11-23 14:31:35 HONTE4.1 miles 178°2024-11-23 14:31:35
N354.2 miles 179°2024-11-23 14:32:25 MAREA4.2 miles 178°2024-11-23 14:32:25
HARMKE4.2 miles 179°2024-11-23 14:30:32 ECHO4.2 miles 178°2024-11-24 00:42:07
SMARAGD4.3 miles 177°2024-11-23 14:32:25 EPSILON4.3 miles 177°2024-11-22 03:16:10
KNRM-J V ENGELENBURG4.4 miles 177°2024-11-23 14:30:32 KNRM-R&J VAN WIJK4.4 miles 177°2024-11-23 14:32:25
MAESLANT4.4 miles 177°2024-11-23 14:31:35 PE9GHZ-124.5 miles 245°2024-12-08 12:55:36
BRANDWEER GOES4.5 miles 253°2024-11-23 13:57:49 DELTA4.5 miles 176°2024-11-23 14:32:25
PD3JAG B4.6 miles 65°2024-12-16 01:58:10 PD3JAG-B4.6 miles 65°2024-12-16 01:58:20
DELTA4.6 miles 177°2024-11-22 03:17:15 GEOSURVEYOR IV4.6 miles 176°2024-11-22 03:18:19
PA3EIV-154.7 miles 278°2024-12-15 07:32:59 TEUNIS4.7 miles 266°2024-11-23 11:04:00
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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