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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of ESCARGOT
callsign distance last heard - EST      callsign distance last heard - EST
MARIA ELENA60.6 yards 16°2024-12-16 17:20:21 FRAGOLINA69.0 yards 52°2024-12-16 04:00:33
LA SUERTE97.9 yards 302°2024-12-19 07:03:24 CIRO PADRE320.9 yards 258°2024-12-22 08:46:10
VACANZE403.9 yards 258°2024-12-21 10:45:24 ISOLA DI S. PIETRO429.5 yards 261°2024-12-23 04:55:41
IR8UDL0.3 miles 152°2024-12-19 20:46:09 LA GEMELLA0.4 miles 194°2024-11-24 10:42:09
CARMELA MADRE0.6 miles 318°2024-12-22 08:04:09 IC8UOH0.6 miles 228°2024-12-23 15:27:39
IC8UOH-70.6 miles 228°2024-12-22 17:31:23 IC8UOH-10.6 miles 228°2024-12-23 11:08:04
IC8UOH-Y0.6 miles 228°2024-12-21 15:43:55 IC8UOH-100.6 miles 228°2024-12-22 17:31:22
IC8UOH-D0.6 miles 228°2024-12-22 15:29:54 IC8UOH-20.6 miles 228°2024-12-22 15:00:48
IC8UOH H0.6 miles 228°2024-12-22 15:28:44 IC8UOH-H0.6 miles 228°2024-12-22 15:28:44
IC8UOH-N0.6 miles 228°2024-12-22 15:29:34 IC8UOH-30.7 miles 227°2024-12-15 12:22:03
IR8ZZM-R0.7 miles 225°2024-12-22 13:45:27 IR8ZZM B0.7 miles 225°2024-12-22 13:44:37
IR8ZZM-B0.7 miles 225°2024-12-22 13:44:37 IR8ZZM0.7 miles 225°2024-12-22 13:55:05
IR8ZZM-D0.7 miles 225°2024-12-22 13:58:27 MADDALENA MADRE1.2 miles 313°2024-12-22 08:11:18
DUFFY1.5 miles 189°2024-12-15 06:56:24 IC8FGU1.5 miles 234°2024-12-23 11:32:27
ARCACELESTE1.8 miles 117°2024-12-22 08:30:33 DON CIRO1.9 miles 228°2024-12-23 15:22:39
SEA OTTER1.9 miles 229°2024-11-28 09:59:26 247082120 I2.8 miles 204°2024-12-23 11:49:07
515571240 KH3.8 miles 99°2024-12-17 18:39:46 RAFFAELE PADRE4.1 miles 32°2024-12-23 15:26:39
SFERIKA4.1 miles 59°2024-12-22 06:12:00 KAMARINA4.3 miles 48°2024-12-23 15:22:39
IISCHIA84.6 miles 245°2024-12-23 15:24:25 IU4RYC4.9 miles 15°2024-12-23 10:15:41
MAGONE5.0 miles 352°2024-12-21 18:44:30 LADY HAWCK5.0 miles 251°2024-12-01 09:52:55
ANNA MARIA LAURO5.1 miles 251°2024-12-23 06:28:47 ISOLA DI VULCANO5.1 miles 252°2024-12-23 15:26:26
FRECCIA DEL GOLFO5.1 miles 252°2024-12-19 10:48:45 NEREIDE5.1 miles 252°2024-12-23 15:27:20
MARIA BUONO5.1 miles 253°2024-12-23 14:49:29 ADEONA5.1 miles 253°2024-12-23 15:27:09
ACHERNAR5.1 miles 252°2024-12-23 07:52:23 MY TWENTY5.1 miles 47°2024-12-22 07:08:22
ROSARIA LAURO5.1 miles 252°2024-12-23 08:51:33 FF ONE5.1 miles 252°2024-12-17 10:13:38
ALBACHIARA5.5 miles 269°2024-12-22 09:57:23 ALLERIA5.6 miles 46°2024-12-07 09:09:35
CABLE ENTERPRISE5.6 miles 42°2024-12-23 15:26:39 ST.GEORGE5.7 miles 47°2024-12-23 15:25:39
MONTE ROSA5.7 miles 47°2024-12-23 15:25:39 GNV AZZURRA5.7 miles 48°2024-12-23 15:24:39
IZ8QOT B5.8 miles 17°2024-12-23 15:21:39 IZ8QOT-B5.8 miles 17°2024-12-23 15:21:49
IZ8QOT5.8 miles 17°2024-12-16 14:44:06 AGATA5.9 miles 49°2024-12-21 11:16:28
TOURIST FERRY BOAT 35.9 miles 49°2024-12-23 10:42:44 PARTENOPE5.9 miles 46°2024-12-22 09:08:59
MYRIAM5.9 miles 49°2024-12-23 10:18:41 DON PEPPINO5.9 miles 49°2024-12-23 08:50:26
MILLENIUM FALCON 26.0 miles 46°2024-12-22 05:46:53 MACAIVA6.0 miles 49°2024-12-23 09:33:20
GUNG HO6.0 miles 46°2024-11-24 09:51:02 DAIANA6.0 miles 62°2024-12-23 15:16:38
LA MIA PICCOLA6.0 miles 47°2024-12-15 09:40:46 KINDERSPIEL6.0 miles 46°2024-12-01 07:41:45
DREAM I6.0 miles 47°2024-11-24 10:47:09 DREAM BOAT6.0 miles 45°2024-12-04 09:00:22
VIVANTONIO6.0 miles 47°2024-12-15 03:38:57 RITMO6.0 miles 46°2024-12-17 07:44:18
GAIA6.1 miles 49°2024-12-23 09:38:52 WEAVER6.1 miles 49°2024-12-23 15:22:39
JODO6.1 miles 47°2024-12-18 05:11:59 CARPE DIEM BA6.1 miles 46°2024-12-08 06:08:55
GINGER6.1 miles 46°2024-12-06 06:21:50 HAY VIVIR6.1 miles 46°2024-12-06 09:15:14
L ALTRA6.1 miles 46°2024-12-12 06:08:44 WRATH II6.1 miles 46°2024-12-13 05:00:37
COTO6.2 miles 46°2024-12-11 08:20:12 FRIDAY MORNING6.2 miles 46°2024-12-13 05:42:43
GUAN6.2 miles 46°2024-12-02 04:25:29 CROWBRIDGE JUNIOR6.2 miles 46°2024-12-02 07:10:43
ADAGIO6.2 miles 46°2024-12-09 05:08:33 IC8JHY-26.3 miles 238°2024-12-23 15:10:00
IC8JHY-56.3 miles 238°2024-12-07 14:23:54 IC8JHY-96.3 miles 238°2024-12-16 10:38:24
IR8ZZZ6.4 miles 48°2024-12-23 15:25:24 GIUSEPPINA PRIMA6.6 miles 261°2024-12-23 04:32:19
SNAV ALTAIR6.6 miles 260°2024-12-23 07:31:48 ER-IR8ZZF7.0 miles 249°2024-12-23 15:20:00
DOOZY I7.1 miles 204°2024-11-24 20:58:19 MONTE EPOMEO7.2 miles 250°2024-12-23 15:27:53
TEMPESTA IV7.5 miles 290°2024-12-22 08:11:18 I/CA-1457.6 miles 251°2024-12-06 04:36:54
IR8UDM7.7 miles 251°2024-12-23 15:26:11 IU8JPO-37.7 miles 65°2024-12-23 15:08:17
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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