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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       Completed generating statistics (took 0.034 s).
Stations near current position of GOLD RIVER
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
JR4EUD-717.0 km 327°2025-02-24 05:43:16 JE4YIZ-1318.0 km 330°2025-03-05 20:30:40
JE4YIZ-1018.0 km 330°2025-03-05 20:24:32 WIR-1041818.0 km 331°2025-03-05 20:09:20
JN4FNZ-U19.0 km 320°2025-03-04 01:04:36 JF4KBB-920.7 km 347°2025-03-02 12:13:35
JFAOBB-921.2 km 347°2025-03-02 12:14:07 JJ12EO-921.6 km 327°2025-03-03 06:00:41
JJ1FAO-922.9 km 330°2025-03-03 06:02:01 JA/YG-24025.3 km 327°2025-02-19 09:37:47
JA/YG-25026.8 km 357°2025-02-15 00:58:58 JA/YG-15826.8 km 4°2025-02-18 03:27:46
JJ1FEO-927.8 km 316°2025-03-03 07:39:16 JA4ZHW-227.9 km 30°2025-02-04 15:52:47
JA4TKB-927.9 km 30°2025-02-24 04:13:23 JR4EUD-928.0 km 310°2025-02-23 06:35:32
JJ4JIR-928.1 km 3°2025-03-05 02:21:01 JE4YKJ-I28.2 km 3°2025-03-05 13:36:14
JE4YKJ-1028.2 km 3°2025-03-05 20:23:28 JJ4JIR-728.2 km 3°2025-03-02 01:31:49
JJ4JIR-A28.2 km 3°2025-02-24 03:50:23 JA/YG-13628.5 km 20°2025-02-20 09:01:58
JO4ICQ28.8 km 315°2025-03-01 14:51:57 JO4ICQ-528.8 km 315°2025-02-19 10:09:26
JR4WY-I28.8 km 30°2025-03-05 20:25:09 JA/YG-23428.9 km 14°2025-02-20 09:06:12
JO4ICQ-729.0 km 311°2025-02-25 09:01:58 JI4DLU-929.6 km 358°2025-03-05 07:44:03
JR4ZEI-1029.7 km 328°2025-03-05 20:25:29 JA4RZE-929.7 km 326°2025-03-04 00:24:24
JK4UA0-930.4 km 30°2025-03-04 09:52:59 JA/YG-21331.4 km 354°2025-02-18 04:16:49
JK4U1O-931.5 km 29°2025-03-03 01:58:23 JH4IMI-932.3 km 359°2025-03-03 12:00:57
JF6YFU-232.3 km 146°2025-03-05 20:34:31 JF6YFU-332.3 km 146°2025-03-05 20:38:58
JA/YG-12432.3 km 21°2025-02-18 09:42:57 JA/YG-11632.4 km 7°2025-02-20 09:14:20
JA/YG-11133.7 km 14°2025-02-18 09:03:45 JA/YG-09834.0 km 31°2025-02-20 08:57:38
JH4WMS-934.5 km 357°2025-03-02 23:41:50 JN4FNZ-934.8 km 0°2025-03-04 12:17:45
JK4UAO-935.5 km 28°2025-03-05 11:04:50 JA4VNE-935.5 km 18°2025-03-04 08:39:40
JA/YG-22436.0 km 355°2025-02-20 09:18:26 JH6SGF-1536.2 km 206°2025-02-20 01:21:37
JA/YG-23336.6 km 43°2025-02-18 12:49:45 Q-NETmeet37.4 km 255°2025-03-05 20:30:14
JR6OSA-1037.5 km 255°2025-03-05 19:40:22 JA6JQZ-937.6 km 244°2025-03-03 22:36:16
JE6DEW-537.7 km 244°2025-02-26 12:05:13 JA/YG-15037.7 km 320°2025-02-19 09:57:10
JE6DEW-937.7 km 244°2025-03-05 13:18:13 H4WMI-937.8 km 351°2025-03-03 22:52:16
JH4ABL-938.5 km 40°2025-03-05 06:25:06 HFEST-09a38.8 km 259°2025-03-05 20:28:16
JA6OBZ-K38.9 km 268°2025-02-21 03:53:01 JA4ZBQ-1038.9 km 40°2025-03-02 03:02:17
JA4ZBQ-1138.9 km 40°2025-03-03 10:31:06 JA6/FO07739.7 km 275°2025-02-04 22:43:06
JA/YG-23939.7 km 12°2025-02-18 08:58:37 JA/YG-10040.1 km 334°2025-02-04 04:03:57
JA6NJH-740.7 km 279°2025-02-15 03:38:35 JH4BTI-140.9 km 308°2025-03-05 20:31:53
VE4BTI-140.9 km 308°2025-03-03 12:59:10 J04BTI-140.9 km 308°2025-03-03 17:17:34
JH4BT5-140.9 km 308°2025-03-04 00:16:28 JH4BTD-140.9 km 308°2025-03-04 00:28:56
JL4BTI-140.9 km 308°2025-03-04 04:27:28 JF4KBB-741.0 km 20°2025-03-01 05:14:59
JA/YG-25841.2 km 54°2025-02-14 07:28:14 JE6SGP-941.4 km 267°2025-03-05 05:52:58
JE4XWS-M41.7 km 353°2025-03-05 09:46:18 JE6YJV-142.0 km 212°2025-03-05 20:18:03
JE6YJV-242.0 km 212°2025-03-05 20:15:18 JF6RSK-842.0 km 212°2025-03-02 04:43:58
JF6RSK-942.0 km 212°2025-03-05 10:54:17 JA/YG-04642.2 km 24°2025-03-01 03:52:30
JA6/FO06242.3 km 262°2025-02-22 21:10:00 J26YJV-142.3 km 212°2025-03-03 12:58:23
JA/YG-13842.5 km 47°2025-02-18 12:56:09 JA6SVE-742.5 km 256°2025-03-04 10:16:19
JA6SVE-942.5 km 256°2025-03-05 13:55:14 JH6ETS-942.9 km 249°2025-03-04 05:20:01
JA6/FO03142.9 km 280°2025-02-20 12:59:49 JE6LUO-743.1 km 270°2025-02-05 00:59:56
JA/YG-13943.3 km 62°2025-03-04 04:09:16 JA/YG-24643.6 km 311°2025-02-19 09:45:13
JA/YG-14244.0 km 16°2025-02-14 10:51:29 JP4YDY-I44.1 km 55°2025-03-05 20:26:55
JA/YG-23144.3 km 292°2025-02-19 09:24:18 JL1AGJ/444.3 km 292°2025-02-16 01:44:30
JA/YG-22944.5 km 294°2025-02-19 09:30:53 JA/YG-12845.2 km 300°2025-02-20 12:26:41
JO4HQN-745.2 km 59°2025-02-04 07:26:17 JA6/FO02645.3 km 275°2025-02-19 08:43:06
JO4EAY45.4 km 60°2025-03-02 11:03:18 JA4WTZ-945.5 km 289°2025-03-05 10:56:58
JO4MAZ45.8 km 295°2025-03-05 13:18:47 JA/YG-26145.9 km 309°2025-02-20 12:24:06
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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