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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       Completed generating statistics (took 0.342 s).
Stations near current position of 563029820
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
PENGUIN INDORAYA 113.7 m 346°2025-02-25 05:53:24 56308501026.8 m 66°2025-02-14 05:33:55
BUDI JASA 1934.5 m 356°2025-03-04 13:01:34 BW FAITH35.8 m 234°2025-03-05 09:37:25
WINSTAR CHAMPION42.2 m 125°2025-02-25 22:54:41 BW ENDURANCE46.9 m 284°2025-02-10 01:21:19
MV SEKISHU INDAH54.5 m 272°2025-03-01 07:18:42 SG PATIENCE71.1 m 104°2025-02-07 15:08:13
BS ALLIANCE72.4 m 311°2025-02-12 14:30:00 AR QUEEN 876.3 m 77°2025-02-08 04:16:43
PRESIDENT SEVENTEEN80.3 m 76°2025-02-13 05:19:38 SC 1865 E91.4 m 62°2025-02-07 08:07:56
QSA PURARI94.9 m 142°2025-02-06 10:38:47 PRESIDENT EIGHTEEN98.9 m 64°2025-02-14 08:34:57
CHONG HAN 01101.2 m 87°2025-02-14 16:08:49 SEA WREN108.1 m 95°2025-03-01 21:17:32
SEA HAWK 1108.2 m 58°2025-02-18 05:20:01 JOLLY REBECCA109.9 m 118°2025-03-01 14:39:46
HIRO 28111.6 m 96°2025-03-05 02:03:37 JOLLY RISSOO113.1 m 97°2025-02-22 10:44:22
JOLLY ROYAL SC4854F117.8 m 92°2025-02-15 07:04:03 JOLLY ROSE117.8 m 92°2025-03-05 09:23:56
GALAXY118.6 m 103°2025-02-07 14:19:57 JOLLY REGINA119.1 m 94°2025-02-12 06:05:49
JOLLY ROSLEE119.9 m 103°2025-02-20 02:27:23 KENKI 51120.5 m 162°2025-03-04 05:06:37
SC 1494 C121.1 m 88°2025-03-04 19:04:17 FR 27122.3 m 141°2025-02-11 00:55:46
JOLLY ROMANO122.6 m 110°2025-02-15 14:26:10 HIRO 18124.4 m 91°2025-02-21 08:26:12
TITANINDO 1125.0 m 351°2025-02-10 05:12:21 JOLLY REENA130.0 m 110°2025-03-04 23:09:58
NOAH KING134.4 m 90°2025-02-07 06:19:03 563066640137.4 m 73°2025-03-01 03:07:46
SEA KESTREL143.0 m 22°2025-03-04 12:48:31 PILOT GP55151.5 m 166°2025-03-03 01:32:59
MAZU 05158.0 m 46°2025-02-13 08:10:43 NOAH QUEEN159.9 m 41°2025-02-17 06:14:22
JOLLY ROBERTO162.7 m 20°2025-03-03 13:00:41 BIG M MIRKWOOD193.6 m 7°2025-02-16 23:04:10
SUNLIGHT LUNA194.4 m 25°2025-03-05 08:41:50 DIJAYA-10195.3 m 26°2025-02-09 09:20:12
SEA LION199.3 m 28°2025-02-10 04:27:46 DIVETECH ANDREWCHEE205.1 m 148°2025-03-05 01:05:29
SEA EAGLE 1207.4 m 22°2025-03-04 16:28:56 SEA HERON208.2 m 23°2025-03-04 14:53:02
BENGKALIS JAYA212.9 m 15°2025-03-04 16:47:25 SEA-DRAGON 10218.8 m 346°2025-02-15 17:33:27
ATAKA II219.7 m 160°2025-03-03 09:56:05 KLM.SUKSES RAYA III232.1 m 154°2025-03-01 15:22:27
MARINA VIVO241.7 m 348°2025-03-05 11:01:29 LIAN YU CHYUAN NO 6291.4 m 171°2025-03-05 05:29:08
SSA AMELIA296.7 m 160°2025-02-15 03:29:53 TB MEGAMAS STAR300.3 m 182°2025-03-01 08:01:08
SUNLY 11303.8 m 168°2025-03-04 18:54:39 TD 55305.4 m 161°2025-02-08 00:57:46
MARINA SPIRE329.0 m 216°2025-02-18 10:48:50 SUNLY 10352.3 m 165°2025-02-17 20:04:47
352004906367.1 m 177°2025-02-08 08:12:54 SHM BARRACUDA375.8 m 358°2025-02-19 05:57:18
MARINA GARNET376.2 m 194°2025-02-09 10:49:48 INFINITI VIRTUS383.3 m 270°2025-03-05 13:09:24
EH DISCOVERER390.3 m 345°2025-02-08 18:53:49 529916000395.3 m 341°2025-02-09 03:21:10
TB SOL 1002407.1 m 208°2025-03-05 09:39:23 563028000423.7 m 103°2025-02-07 04:47:13
MARINA ZIRCON430.0 m 348°2025-03-05 06:29:36 GARENE I431.1 m 104°2025-03-05 11:02:49
TB.EL NINA SAMUDRA449.1 m 179°2025-03-04 21:12:40 YOU SHEN 6482.5 m 134°2025-03-05 12:37:52
HO TAY493.9 m 256°2025-02-26 16:06:17 KST PRIDE498.5 m 163°2025-03-05 03:53:50
REGENT GEMINI499.6 m 258°2025-03-04 20:24:28 SEAGULL DIAMOND504.2 m 235°2025-03-04 21:26:33
PILOT GP49509.0 m 212°2025-03-05 07:45:29 PILOT GP01509.6 m 132°2025-03-05 03:24:56
MARINA ARIEL520.7 m 354°2025-03-05 13:12:45 MARINA QUARTZ526.1 m 353°2025-02-16 21:55:49
MARINA GENESIS528.3 m 352°2025-02-17 20:39:18 MARINA ZANITE539.5 m 353°2025-03-05 13:15:06
ARALIA539.9 m 212°2025-03-04 21:47:46 NOBLE RELIANCE TG49545.5 m 186°2025-03-04 17:27:12
MARINA GRANITE559.3 m 352°2025-02-19 18:49:43 BW DILIGENCE564.3 m 158°2025-03-04 11:20:23
KST PASSION580.1 m 180°2025-03-05 03:53:36 AYU 68587.2 m 194°2025-02-24 20:49:31
NO.5 OCEAN PIONEER589.2 m 138°2025-03-05 10:33:50 HELEN DOLPHIN593.7 m 171°2025-02-11 07:37:10
ENG HUP PUSHER596.2 m 352°2025-02-15 15:08:59 YTC TUG 22596.4 m 6°2025-02-16 23:37:14
ENG HUP GALLANT598.2 m 349°2025-03-05 12:51:45 BATAM INDAH 9613.4 m 309°2025-03-05 12:17:44
PILOT GP54644.3 m 149°2025-03-04 09:34:07 SCDF RED SWORDFISH649.6 m 202°2025-03-04 03:53:28
JASMINE652.3 m 1°2025-02-04 21:50:35 PILOT 11664.3 m 194°2025-02-25 07:42:09
HYDROMOVER666.1 m 356°2025-03-03 16:27:47 563243400676.3 m 228°2025-03-05 01:51:02
CARMEN SERENA723.2 m 351°2025-03-01 22:13:13 533067400726.4 m 193°2025-02-26 06:50:42
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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