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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of WAN HAI 335
callsign distance last heard - EDT      callsign distance last heard - EDT
LORRAINE145.2 yards 199°2024-06-17 08:36:12 HOPE ISLAND156.7 yards 190°2024-06-09 19:31:31
KOTA HARUM184.6 yards 289°2024-06-05 10:51:20 SEA OF LUCK202.7 yards 186°2024-06-09 10:47:09
GUSTAV MAERSK205.5 yards 228°2024-06-04 20:26:38 YM CELEBRITY207.1 yards 190°2024-06-12 02:27:30
DONG FANG FU222.0 yards 244°2024-06-17 23:23:34 INTERASIA ELEVATE232.2 yards 220°2024-06-19 20:51:04
COSCO SHIPPING RHINE233.9 yards 197°2024-06-07 15:19:45 SITC HAIPHONG239.6 yards 213°2024-06-19 15:22:33
SPECTRUM N239.6 yards 336°2024-06-09 22:43:58 LIMA EXPRESS249.5 yards 197°2024-05-30 17:28:23
YM CONSTANCY256.6 yards 193°2024-06-18 06:43:02 DONGJIN CONTINENTAL260.2 yards 220°2024-06-11 21:40:34
NORDBORG MAERSK263.6 yards 230°2024-06-08 11:21:55 GUO YUAN275.6 yards 159°2024-06-21 00:29:33
NYK FUTAGO277.6 yards 158°2024-06-12 14:26:36 YM CONTINENT280.2 yards 233°2024-06-19 07:46:13
280.4 yards 40°2024-06-08 03:33:34 CMA CGM DUTCH HARBOR282.8 yards 160°2024-05-28 17:56:38
XUTRA BHUM285.9 yards 216°2024-06-15 08:44:47 CHENG JI HAI286.0 yards 234°2024-05-29 04:31:00
SAMAL287.6 yards 215°2024-06-19 12:07:31 WAN HAI 332294.8 yards 281°2024-06-15 19:31:16
SITC RIZHAO294.9 yards 197°2024-06-10 21:46:34 KMTC QINGDAO296.4 yards 173°2024-06-19 01:43:09
XIN YAN TAI297.5 yards 211°2024-05-27 16:54:04 WAN HAI 723297.7 yards 180°2024-06-19 11:07:36
HANNAH SCHULTE310.2 yards 163°2024-06-14 04:55:56 ZHONG GU ZHU HAI312.3 yards 310°2024-06-06 10:55:42
CNC LION312.5 yards 199°2024-06-15 07:22:19 DING HENG 9313.2 yards 236°2024-06-20 04:31:53
SITC OSAKA318.3 yards 146°2024-06-14 00:07:04 COSCO PACIFIC322.4 yards 204°2024-05-22 02:50:51
KMTC SURABAYA338.2 yards 234°2024-06-16 12:50:45 TRANS FUTURE 1339.6 yards 199°2024-06-16 08:22:34
MANILA EXPRESS341.3 yards 158°2024-06-15 22:10:05 CSCL ZEEBRUGGE344.0 yards 188°2024-05-25 00:21:59
FENGYUNHE349.0 yards 178°2024-06-16 22:42:25 CHASTINE MAERSK350.6 yards 194°2024-06-12 19:26:30
MSC ULSAN III350.7 yards 184°2024-06-19 11:15:44 CMA CGM RODOLPHE354.3 yards 262°2024-06-14 23:16:53
MIYUNHE354.8 yards 197°2024-06-20 11:37:41 HANSA DUBURG356.6 yards 216°2024-06-17 20:35:42
EVER COMPOSE357.2 yards 175°2024-06-14 08:54:02 ANGLO RED371.3 yards 174°2024-06-19 18:45:46
ARGOLIKOS374.5 yards 214°2024-06-17 10:38:08 CSCL MERCURY375.9 yards 183°2024-06-20 09:14:24
KMTC TAIPEIS383.7 yards 217°2024-06-03 23:59:36 WAN HAI 355384.3 yards 253°2024-06-20 05:51:10
388.7 yards 168°2024-06-12 00:55:54 TS HOCHIMINH389.0 yards 181°2024-06-16 16:54:26
OSG BEAUTEC391.8 yards 216°2024-06-15 17:24:03 BUXMELODY391.9 yards 211°2024-06-20 04:42:03
ATHENS BRIDGE394.8 yards 199°2024-06-14 20:27:55 KMTC SHANGHAI396.0 yards 204°2024-06-02 13:49:54
WAN HAI 331399.3 yards 186°2024-06-14 18:46:10 WAN HAI 523410.9 yards 195°2024-06-18 12:46:50
KOTA LIHAT425.4 yards 198°2024-06-17 22:12:25 FU LI 89425.9 yards 123°2024-06-18 22:14:54
PANCON HARMONY429.4 yards 157°2024-06-16 07:09:18 457161000430.3 yards 302°2024-06-05 09:49:15
SINAR BANGKA436.6 yards 224°2024-06-19 02:43:06 COSCO HOUSTON438.2 yards 164°2024-05-28 01:08:52
NORTHERN JAGUAR444.4 yards 199°2024-06-14 22:15:51 ASAKAZE445.2 yards 199°2024-06-14 14:20:06
TRANS FUTURE 11446.6 yards 172°2024-05-24 01:13:11 EA CETUS448.8 yards 166°2024-05-31 11:47:54
KOTA RATU449.9 yards 162°2024-06-20 14:30:21 VALENTIA BLUE451.4 yards 196°2024-06-01 18:41:59
NYK DANIELLA453.3 yards 180°2024-06-13 13:13:15 SITC GUANGDONG453.9 yards 210°2024-06-01 12:15:42
YUN FAT455.8 yards 179°2024-05-28 06:34:44 SAVINA456.1 yards 194°2024-05-24 06:27:49
MERATUS TOMINI459.0 yards 192°2024-06-03 09:51:23 EVER BIRTH460.6 yards 202°2024-06-18 11:23:36
SEASPAN GUAYAQUIL461.8 yards 179°2024-06-11 23:14:10 TS SHENZHEN462.0 yards 178°2024-06-13 05:37:26
XIN QING DAO465.5 yards 312°2024-06-20 23:02:04 GANGES465.7 yards 169°2024-06-16 07:21:32
KMTC NINGBO474.4 yards 5°2024-06-10 02:44:16 HENG YU 93475.1 yards 186°2024-06-19 19:59:06
XIN YAN TIAN476.6 yards 260°2024-06-07 22:41:18 DERYOUNG SPRING480.4 yards 206°2024-06-10 16:04:42
ZAMBALES483.3 yards 189°2024-06-13 14:29:24 MAERSK ESSEN495.3 yards 154°2024-06-13 11:28:34
INDURO496.1 yards 190°2024-06-17 05:44:00 PACIFIC CARRIER497.3 yards 215°2024-06-09 04:39:35
COSCO SINGAPORE499.8 yards 188°2024-06-10 20:53:36 YUEGUANGZHOUHUO 1818499.9 yards 308°2024-06-11 06:51:24
KMTC COLOMBO503.7 yards 177°2024-06-20 09:06:16 YM CREDIBILITY506.7 yards 308°2024-06-15 02:19:56
KYOTO TOWER506.8 yards 186°2024-06-07 02:38:58 ZIM LUANDA510.9 yards 187°2024-06-02 07:45:33
INTERASIA VISION512.3 yards 187°2024-06-20 19:48:37 HAI XIN YOU 619513.5 yards 149°2024-06-19 13:00:21
EVER LIBRA521.5 yards 201°2024-06-11 10:04:50 TS JAKARTA526.2 yards 215°2024-06-11 01:35:34
YM EFFICIENCY0.3 miles 201°2024-06-07 15:29:54 CA OSAKA0.3 miles 191°2024-06-16 12:43:39
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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