Callsign: | C6ES3 |
MMSI number: | 311000986 |
IMO number: | 188037 |
Navigational status: | Under way (engine) (0) |
Vessel class: | Passenger (69) |
Destination: | GBLIV (ETA Dec12 04:00) |
Location: | 53°30.62' N 3°38.94' W - locator IO83EM22CL - show map 23.9 km Northeast bearing 30° from Llandudno, Conwy, Wales, United Kingdom [?] 25.7 km Northeast bearing 27° from Deganwy, Conwy, Wales, United Kingdom 45.8 km West bearing 284° from Liverpool, City and Borough of Liverpool, England, United Kingdom 93.4 km West bearing 273° from Manchester, City and Borough of Manchester, England, United Kingdom |
Last position: | 2024-12-12 04:18:25 UTC (15h19m ago) 2024-12-12 04:18:25 GMT local time at Llandudno, United Kingdom [?] |
Course: | 083.8° – heading 84° |
Speed: | 42 km/h |
Dimensions: | length 238 m width 32 m draught 8.1 m |
Last path: | C6ES3>ais via GD4RVQ |
Positions stored: | 47813 |