Callsign: | 4JUC |
MMSI number: | 423520100 |
IMO number: | 810513 |
Navigational status: | Under way (engine) (0) |
Vessel class: | Tanker (89) |
Destination: | SKAGEN FOR ORDERS |
Location: | 49°56.24' N 2°13.46' W - locator IN89VW34BW - show map 24.9 km North bearing 356° from Alderney, England, United Kingdom [?] 41.1 km Northwest bearing 318° from Beaumont-Hague, Département de la Manche, Basse-Normandie, France 122.1 km Southwest bearing 209° from Southampton, City of Southampton, England, United Kingdom 125.0 km Southwest bearing 220° from Portsmouth, City of Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom |
Last position: | 2024-11-06 20:25:20 UTC (1h18m ago) 2024-11-06 20:25:20 GMT local time at Alderney, United Kingdom [?] |
Course: | 74.800003° – heading 79° |
Speed: | 16 km/h |
Dimensions: | length 250 m width 44 m draught 8.6 m |
Last path: | 4JUC>ais via rikgale |
Positions stored: | 33797 |