Callsign: | VRQK5 |
MMSI number: | 477850700 |
IMO number: | 458468 |
Navigational status: | Under way (engine) (0) |
Vessel class: | Cargo (70) |
Destination: | FI KOK (ETA Oct04 04:00) |
Location: | 63°43.01' N 22°41.34' E - locator KP13IR22QA - show map 4.7 km North bearing 352° from Jakobstad, Österbotten, Province of Western Finland, Finland [?] 5.0 km Southwest bearing 215° from Larsmo, Österbotten, Province of Western Finland, Finland 87.2 km Northeast bearing 37° from Vaasa, Österbotten, Province of Western Finland, Finland 119.9 km East bearing 95° from Umeå, Umeå Kommun, Västerbotten, Sweden |
Last position: | 2024-10-07 22:25:20 UTC (14h46m ago) 2024-10-08 01:25:20 EEST local time at Jakobstad, Finland [?] |
Course: | 141.80000305176° – heading 221° |
Speed: | 2 km/h |
Dimensions: | length 166 m width 28 m draught 8.3 m |
Last path: | VRQK5>ais via TrcNeT |
Positions stored: | 14467 |