Location: | 63°48.75' N 23°08.97' E - locator KP13NT75WA - show map 1.9 miles South bearing 162° from Karleby, Mellersta Österbotten, Province of Western Finland, Finland [?] 7.2 miles Northeast bearing 33° from Kronoby, Österbotten, Province of Western Finland, Finland 68.5 miles Northeast bearing 43° from Vaasa, Österbotten, Province of Western Finland, Finland |
Last position: | 2024-12-22 00:48:38 EST (2m17s ago) 2024-12-22 07:48:38 EET local time at Karleby, Finland [?] |
Last WX report: | 2024-12-22 00:43:31 EST (7m24s ago) 2024-12-22 07:43:31 EET local time at Karleby, Finland [?] |
Temperature: | 18 °F |
Humidity: | 98 % |
Pressure: | 987.2 mbar |
Wind: | Southeast 128° 0.0 MPH |
Rain: | 0.0 inches since midnight |
Luminosity: | 0 W/m² |