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Search results for OH*

Found 78 targets:

callsign age comment
OH7BD 31m30s
OH2EKK-9 3d 6h7mYVV-738
OH3GDO-9 17d 9h32mQTP
OH2NJR 0sRX Igate & WX station
OH2MUI 4m40sRX igate and WX station
OH6RUC 8m20sTn,Wn Kaustinen OH6RUC Digi+TX-iGate
OH6AA-3 3m2sVaskiluoto
OH5AD 334d 12h35mAPRX I-Gate Hamina 144.800MHz OMNI 52m ASL
OH5RBG 14m32s144.800MHz OH5AG iGate Vuohivuori
OH6AI-1 9m32sClub station of Kokkola
OH7RDA 2m6sSiilinjarvi
OH2EKK-8 243d 9h41mM/S ANNI
OH2LAK 41d 5h27mOpenWebRX APRS gateway
OH7ER-9 147d 13h11m
OH8RDT 6m12sRX-iGate + digi
OH5FVY 19m38sOH5FVY RX-Only iGate
OH4KA-4 11m58sRaspberry pi / tnc-X Rx-only igate
OH4KA-7 15m9sRaspberry pi
OH2LAK-1 40d 2h2mPusula weather data provided to you by WeeWx and Vaisala WXT510
OH6ELF 188d 5h7miGate / Tontun QTH
OH5GWF-8 156d 14h25m13.3V 15C HDOP01.3 SATS07
OH2HCY-3 14m27sInkoo, Orslandet, Bjurs
OH4JPS-2 13m32sRaspberry pi / tnc-X Rx-only igate, Jari OH4JL Mia OH4HNT
OH5RDF 361d 7h14mOH5AB Clubstation iGate MTGMon18
OH2OP 59d 1h8m434,600/432,600 (MHz) CTCSS
OH3NGT 293d 16mMMDVM MMDVM HS Dual Hat 434.4750/432.4750 CC1
OH1CO-2 98d 4h17mAPRS-IS for Win32
OH2BSI-5 285d 13h14m12.5V 29C
OH5RBG-1 14m32s432.500MHz OH5AG iGate Vuohivuori
OH5EIL-10 1m4s51TNC IGate Kinsu 13.7V
OH1RDS 54m51sTX iGate/Digipeater
OH1RDS-2 6m41s
OH6V 11m30sVähäkyrö RX-iGate |
OH3LMG-15 226d 16h55mHP Compaq Mini 110-1000 (Supi)
OH6V-2 209d 1h34mOH6PV & OH6EZU's QTH
OH6V-3 17m7sHacklab Rx-only iGate
OH8BZH-1 233d 6h18mAPRS Voyager PinPoint v2.1
OH2RCH-1 1m38s
OH7KAA-1 18d 4h45mTeemu
OH2HCY 9m32sVantaa, Metsola
OH2SAR-7 1d 7h6mD878UVII+ DMR Id 2442219 Pertsa
OH2RDK-2 2m57s
OH2RDK-7 2m56s432.500 MHz
OH2TI 1m22sWXT520 at OH2TI.
OH7AZC-9 4d 13h56m12.6V 22C HDOP01.0 SATS09 Karoq liikkeellä
OH5RDD 11m48s144.800MHz Solar powered and battery guarded digi - KP30LM
OH5RDD-1 14m144.800MHz Solar powered and battery guarded iGate - KP30LM
OH4GVN-1 13m31sPuumala
OH6MHZ-9 9h46mHenkan KettuJeeppi
OH7GGX-14 104d 3h10mWeather Station
OH7ABC 277d 7h23mRX-igate
OH6FJG 4m38sMMDVM DVMega 434.4750/434.4750 CC13
OH3RUX-2 15m29sRX iGate Kotala, Virrat
OH3RDE-1 16m18sTx-igate Tampere Pyynikki
OH3RDE-R3 14m6sRx-igate Tampere Tesoma
OH6NEQ-8 168d 12h56mm/s Viivi, Tristan 345FB, MMSI:230054910 3.51V 25.0C TF Err
OH9FTW-9 31d 1h51mGAZ-66 OFF-ROUD 4X4 OH9FTW/M 145.500 MHz
OH2GYT-T1 30m55sLTE status
OH2CRA-9 20d 19h46mRx-only iGate
OH5GWF-15 8m54s13.0V 23C
OH1RDS-4 242d 12h9mLoRa APRS iGate TEST P=5.45V
OH5RDD-2 14m8s432.500MHz RX-iGate - KP30LM
OH4GVN-9 3m9s12.2V
OH2EIR 251d 4h25mQRP 1W
OH2CNL 127d 7h6m
OH8BZH 165d 18hAPRS-IS for Win32
OH7JHF-9 110d 8h17m14.5V 19C HDOP00.9 SATS09, Golf R32 liikkuu
OH7FQP 14m9sRX-igate
OH6RDB 114d 6h42mVanha Vaasa igate -
OH3LJU-1 4m9sOH3LJU iGate MDR150 AZ100 ASL130
OH3LMG-13 172d 1h54mYaesu FT-8900R Go-Box
OH5GWF-2 92d 13h16mAPRS-IS for Win32
OH5GWF-6 17d 6h8mPHG2100APRS-IS for Win32
OH7AZC-2 5m33siGate hamdr
OH4VA-10 44d 18h16m438.1125MHz -500 NFM Tx-iGate (MMDVM)
OH3TP-9 48d 14h5mOH3TP on the road again!
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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